replanted plants from dirt from outside to scotts premium potting soil... help please

IMAGE_161.jpgreplanted them in scotts potting they IMAGE_159.jpgturning yellow and one is dieing.. im scared somone help me lol they were bright green when they were in outside dirt.. gerrr im disapointed lolIMAGE_160.jpgI ALSO THINK ONE is starting to curl :( boohoo


Active Member
that soil is hot. Would have done you some good to mix more perlite in the soil. Scotts soil has ferts that are activated by moisture. In other words, when the soil is wet your plant is being fed and those are babies you got there. Let the soil dry out before watering again


Active Member
of course they are. they dont look that bad. you just have to be careful with that soil when your plants are young.


Active Member
if possible go and get a bag of perlite. mix it with your soil at 70% soil 30% perlite. Let the soil that your plant is currently in dry good first then transplant to new mix then lightly and evenly water. The perlite wil help with drainage and allow your soil to dry properly.
k thanks lol ill try what i can .. i posted this on another thread and somone just told me i suck for using scotts soil and that all im ganna do is kill every plant i grow... good to have somone that actually helps then just tell somone off lol
k thanks lol ill try what i can .. i posted this on another thread and somone just told me i suck for using scotts soil and that all im ganna do is kill every plant i grow... good to have somone that actually helps then just tell somone off lol
truth hurts but use it as a learning experience instead of taking what some idiot says personal.


Active Member
Im not a fan of scotts or miracle grow. i would never use it again. I did when i first started growing years ago and learned my lesson quick. The fact is this guy is in scotts soil and needs help with the materials he has. I'm not gonna help him any by calling him a fool.
if anyone can recomend a soil i can pick up at a home depot or something that wont over nut my plants or stuff that will be greatly appreciated :) im still learning and if somone has foun a great mix of soil then ill be glad to listen :)


Active Member
ive heard of people talking about promix. Try Ace Hardware. I dont believe it has anything in it. Maybe someone else can help you with that. Why dont you order a bag of fox farm ocean forest on the internet?
im trying to stay away from the online orders as much as i can for the moment :P so if i could find anything good enough at a store near b that would be better
Need help- no experience had to uproot from clearing in field 5 about 3ft high now didnt think theyd make it now due to buildings not sure what to do have replanted in large pots with 1/2 soil from where they were and miracle moisture as they have been outside in the UK! for last 3months gathered they need to be kept out there now . they are very healthy and do not want to ruin these :( any tips are they ok if i have swiftly uprooted and repotted i have kept most of roots but now what someone said as ive disturbed i must cutt back and things now .... help for a dummie please!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
if anyone can recomend a soil i can pick up at a home depot or something that wont over nut my plants or stuff that will be greatly appreciated :) im still learning and if somone has foun a great mix of soil then ill be glad to listen :)
theres the rub. anything you buy at home depot is gonna be half composted wood chips and sticks from timber mills sprayed with chemical fertilizer. seeds and seedlings cant start in that shit, its too spicy for them (and for some mature plants)

orchid or african violet mix can do the job but they are spendy. use the backyard dirt you had em in before. dont buy soil if your backyard can grow shit bro. if you mix that scotts stuff with your dirt and let it sit in a pile for like six weeks it can become useful. adding some regular old bait shop worms will make it happen even faster. after six weeks of cooking in the sun with occaisional wettings from the hose the spicy chemical fertilizers will tone down and the stuff will become soil.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Need help- no experience had to uproot from clearing in field 5 about 3ft high now didnt think theyd make it now due to buildings not sure what to do have replanted in large pots with 1/2 soil from where they were and miracle moisture as they have been outside in the UK! for last 3months gathered they need to be kept out there now . they are very healthy and do not want to ruin these :( any tips are they ok if i have swiftly uprooted and repotted i have kept most of roots but now what someone said as ive disturbed i must cutt back and things now .... help for a dummie please!

slow down brow, your jimmies are rustled.
plants from outside can be moved inside or onto pots if you treat them right. the root damage may make them wilt, so prepare your pots in advance. use BIG pots, as big as possible. plastic trash bins with holes in the bottom would be good. bigger pots is better. your plant above ground will be roughly equivalent to the amount of plant underground, so small pots suck balls. use the largest container you can find for each plant.
you dont have to cut back shit just yet.

keep as much of their current dirt and root zone intact as possible. place them on a bed of prepared soil in the pots, put more soil on top (burying the stem is ok as long as you stay below the leaves!) then water them in thoroughly with PLAIN WATER! let them sit for several days. they may wilt, they may even drop leaves and die back a little. let it happen. dont water again, leave them the fuck alone to rest and recover. when you can jam a finger in the tops of the pots without feeling water for 2-3 inches wet them down good again and leave them alone again.

place them in an area where they will receive 6 hours of direct sun a day minimum, and as much indirect light as possible if they are to stay outside. if they are coming inside, give them as much light as you can 24/7. dont even think of flowering them untill they have strong new growth.

any part of the plant that wilts and stays wilted can e removed after several days with clean sharp scissors. if the whole plant stays wilty, dont cut anything. if it dies, then it will die by itself, dont help it along. once the plant starts perking back up and getting green, then trim back anything thats not recovering.
slow down brow, your jimmies are rustled. .
Haahaa :) i was worried for them ;) Thanks yeah weve planted they had lotsa water now they are in indirect light all day like this morning they were wilted as they also took a battering from the crap weather but touch wood this evening some is perking back up :P Thanks for your info so now il leave them to it and just keep an eye on the soil ( for watering ) !! :)

Thankkksksssss Roxy!