Replanting Process

kakashi 22667

New Member
I am almost going to transplant my little babies...i was wondering what size container i must use? 10 Liter? 20 liter or more ( This will be the plants permanent home)

Thank you guys !!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
All depends on your set up and how much room you have and how long you intend to veg.
Obviously the bigger the pot the more roots the plant will develop.
If growing indoor 15-20L is a decent size and outdoor go as big as you like.


Well-Known Member
Agree with the previous poster, room and length of veg are important factors. And if they aren't feminized, you may replant one more time too. I replant seedlings from 4 inch pots into 2 gal (8 liters or so) pots until I can sex them. Then I do a final replant, of the females, into 4-8 gal containers. Depending on the strain and how tall I want them to grow. If you are growing outside, you may want to look into neutral colored pots/smart pots. Like light brown. Black pots get hot and white pots can let light through.

Good luck with your grow!

R2T :peace:

kakashi 22667

New Member
I am going to plant limits and what does it mean to veg? i have no idea i give my plants natural sun all day and total darkness during the night? would 10 liter buckets be alright? and i am transplanting them to bigger pots friday


Well-Known Member
To veg means the growing time the plants receive before starting to flower.
Indoor it's the length of time you have your lights on 18/6.
The more time vegetating the bigger the plant.
How many hours of daylight are youre plants getting now?
You could get away with 10L buckets but as said previously the bigger the better.


Well-Known Member
I am going to plant limits and what does it mean to veg? i have no idea i give my plants natural sun all day and total darkness during the night? would 10 liter buckets be alright? and i am transplanting them to bigger pots friday
I figure 4 liter per month of grow is a good estimation.