Replenishing PPM/EC in a recirculating system


Well-Known Member

I'm fairly new to hydroponics and recirculating systems and have not seen a thread on replenishing the ppm/ec in your res. My main question is when replenishing your res with a new nutrient solution in order to raise the ppm, how do know (which of the nutrients) to use to replenish the ppm's in your res..

In my situation my ppm started at 1170. After watering one time and recirculating back to the res the ppm dropped 250ppm and the water level dropped about 10%. The ph is steady at 5.8. res temps 65* . Now obviously the plants are consuming like they are supposed too which brings me to my question of replenishing, I have read some people replenish with just the "base nutrients" saying that the additives are not really the focus and that the base is the focus. Is this true? And if so, I am using Cutting Edge Solutions 3 part base which consists of Micro, Grow & Bloom as their 3 part base. Since I have a 3 part base do I replenish with all 3 ? Also, how I would I calculate the proper amount of each to use ? If I am using a 100 gallon res and the ppm drops 250ppm and my water lvl drops 10% do I replenish 250ppm and the 10% water i lost?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you !

Grown ups

fill the water back to where you need it then i would add nutrients to where you want it at. as to what nutrients you put back in i believe thats all personal preference and feel for your plants. you can add base but that doesn't do much, if i were in flower i would add more big bud, more sweetener, more roots and a lil base. pretty much a lil bit of everything that i feel the plant would need. but i wouldn't go all base nutrients

Grown ups

base nutrients are important, but additives to me when used at the right time and used correctly can make the world of a difference in bud size and trichs. and to me thats what its all about

Grown ups

to know how much of each to feed i keep logs of my feed. key is make ur feed in the same size container and keep track of ppm before and after you add each product. so if 10ml in a 5 gal bucket rose it 200ppm u know that its 20ppm per ml in a 5gal bucket


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input so far. At this point i've come to the consensus that you can add which ever nutrients you desire as long as you don't overdue it ! Sounds easy enough. Grown Ups, I like how you keep feed logs documenting how much the ppm/ec raises when diluting your solution in water. You also make a good point about which additives to add and when to optimize girth lol !


Well-Known Member

how does everyone else replenish their res !? Do you just add R/o water ? Do you make a nutrient solution according to the amount of water you lost ? Do you just add random shit ?