Reporting me to the cops?


Active Member
I am going to be growing vegitables indoors, I went to wal mart and bought a grow light, a timer, and plant food spikes. I paid with a debit card, will they track me, or report me to the police for suspicion of growing marijuana?


Well-Known Member
i dont think they will arrest you, probably just organise a professional hit, make it look like robbers or something


Active Member
So on a serious basis, does places like walmart turn people in for buying certain things. I don't want the cops showing up at my house.


Well-Known Member
I think you will be ok. I just would not tell anybody what you are up to.
Also pay cash next time.
Just in case something happens in the future you will be less self incriminating.


Well-Known Member
shops wont report anyone that's supporting their business. if thigns they sold were illegal they would report you... but they wouldn't be selling em.

i think shops would report you if you were arab in appereance and if you were buying large quantities of pool cholrine and fertiliser or some other home made bomb materials.

of course, if you were arab in appearance, you probably would already be in guantanimo bay


Active Member
So they don't track anything like that? Cause when I checked out they had to call back to lawn and garden and tell them what i was buying.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Oh no...not the old "call back to lawn and garden" trick! Holy smokes...

If it's Kentucky...they probably have the cameras mounted/hidden in your neighbors lawn gnomes by now too...

But if yer only growin veggies you should have no worries...right?

If they do show up...just don't ask 'em if they want bacon with their eggs. Go with toast or run out and get doughnuts.

good luck on the crop..'er,,a...brussel sprouts...

bt dt


Active Member
I am going to be growing vegitables indoors, I went to wal mart and bought a grow light, a timer, and plant food spikes. I paid with a debit card, will they track me, or report me to the police for suspicion of growing marijuana?

I don't think they will report you. I think they have a hard time finding professional weed growers to worry about a simple light or timer. I bought my lights from a place in FL called Welcome to Cheap Grow Lights ! : Home and they provided excellent customer service and explained that they respect everyone's privacy which I admire. I bought nine lights from them and have never had a problem. It's been over 3 years. No worries.

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Don't worry be happy. Hey it's going to be ok. And if your still worried just wait a month before you plant any thing. See who knocks on the door then you'll be pissed you wasted a month.

In ky you can grow 4 plants and it's a misdomener first offense $500 fine.

or you can traffic up to 8 oz for the same misdomeaner offense after that its federal. Check NORML and see where you stand.


Well-Known Member
lol do you smoke? ummm I mean eat tomatos or brussel sprouts? because I would be intrested in seeing how paranoid you get when you are "eating", if you know what I mean..........lmao rofl


Active Member
If you're only growing vegetables, what are you worried about? :confused:

Thee only thing to fear, is fear itself (well, if you're just growing vegetables anyway). :p