Repotting plants


Well-Known Member
Is there any medium below the cube or just rocks? Going to be interesting with the roots in the rocks.


Active Member
If there is some kind of soil below the hydroton then carefully remove the hydroton pellets first. Then gently turn pot upside down with plant stem between fingers. Tap pot on the bottom to loosen and place in a larger container. Backfill with soil or medium of choice and water. In the future either use pellets or soil, not both.


Well-Known Member
Tip on side, gently pull/shake whole plant out, roll and remove all rocks that come off easily. Partially fill new larger pot with medium, pick up the plant from the base of the stem and the root ball, gently set on top of medium, hold stem with one hand, scoop additional medium around root ball and lightly compress until full to 1" above top of cube. Feed/water and wait.

Remove the outside layer of the cube if you can.


Well-Known Member
If it's planted in dirt under there, I would take the hydroton out first to get a better view of what's going on down there and then I'd just go for it -- flip it upside down carefully and do as you normally would. Just make sure your new pot is ready to go.


Well-Known Member
If there is some kind of soil below the hydroton then carefully remove the hydroton pellets first. Then gently turn pot upside down with plant stem between fingers. Tap pot on the bottom to loosen and place in a larger container. Backfill with soil or medium of choice and water. In the future either use pellets or soil, not both.
Tip on side, gently pull/shake whole plant out, roll and remove all rocks that come off easily. Partially fill new larger pot with medium, pick up the plant from the base of the stem and the root ball, gently set on top of medium, hold stem with one hand, scoop additional medium around root ball and lightly compress until full to 1" above top of cube. Feed/water and wait.

Remove the outside layer of the cube if you can.
You guys beat me by a hair. All pretty similar advice.


Well-Known Member
I use a long slender carving knife and gently run the blade along the inside walls of the pot. Place your hand palm down on the dirt surface with the stem between second and third fingers. Over trash can, flip pot upside down in one quick motion. Plant will likely stick to pot even when upside down so shake the pot slowly and lightly pull down on plant stem. When plant breaks free you flip her again so she is right side up. Hold over trash and gently shake plant to lose dirt around rootball.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
If you have s few bucks laying around for next grow purchase you some air pots. They air prune roots, promote vigorous growth and are ridiculously easy to transplant. Simply unscrew the screw, unwrap the pot walls and place in new container.


Well-Known Member
You can also lay it on its side, cut out the bottom of the pot then cut out half of the pot and flip the whole thing into your hand for very little shock.


Well-Known Member
It seems like I've been doing a lot of that of late.I might be wrong,I don't carefully or gently.
I get the new place ready,get the old place close,take a razor,make a slit on both sides,lay
razor down,plant will fall into new place to live.My biggest problem is figuring out when.?LOL Good Luck & heavy yields to ya!! NN