

Active Member
Can anyone tell me how big my plants be when i put them in bigger pots or how can i see if they are getting to big for their starting pot?

and what is hermie is it a female plant that changed sex into flowering?


Well-Known Member
5 6 inches before transplanting them.
a hermie is both a male/female plant still buds but also puts energy towards making seeds so the bud is 1/4 of what it would be.


Well-Known Member
lots of variables as to how big the plant will get(lighting,nutes,temp,strain ect.)a week before you start flowering re-pot them into bigger pots--at least twice what they are in--they need to adjust to the new soil and will need plenty of room for the roots


Well-Known Member
I don't usually repot until I see the roots in the bottom of the pot there in. I have had no stress or any negative affects from it. They say you should anticipate a foot per gallon or that is what is suggested. So a gallon per foot of growth you want. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
cut it down, it will pollinate the others and you'll have seeds in your crop :(

sweet, sweet sensimellia :)