Trump's completely incompetent and unfit to be president. He has no position, he believes whatever the last person he talked to told him.
nuclear war later.
And I'll bet you're a blue-collar worker, amirite?
and i'll bet you are really a dude who uses a chick's avatar, amirite?
Is Trump an idiot? Yes.
Is he unfit to serve as POTUS? No.
Anyone who wants to be Prez is an idiot. Obama included. And he was a pussy on top of that.
Trump isn't perfect, but he's man enough to do something about North Korea. Conventional conflict now, or nuclear war later. Trump is choosing the former. Be glad.
and i'll bet you are really a dude who uses a chick's avatar, amirite?
since "hardly" was my reply to your blue collar comment, your stupidity is showing since all 3 of these are clearly blue collar.UPS delivery man? Assembly line? Construction?
Well duh -- it's the lonely old racist tbone jack!
Like his chum daveyskunk, he also seems to derive pleasure from (poorly) masquerading as a female..... a slight pattern/bizarre fetish among the aging/impotent republicucks? You decide.
Republicans are literally retarded, but they're dominating the majority of state legislatures, governorships, the house, the senate, the executive office and now also the supreme court..
So how did that happen? Honest question to all of you, how do you believe that happened?
Republicans are appealing to the majority of Americans. And the more you call us "retarded", the more you galvanize us to reelect Trump in 2020.
So, please, keep calling us names. And Trump will serve 8 years and have 3 or 4 SCOTUS appointments. Please. We welcome it.