republicans are literally mentally retarded.

Sure is you crusty cum sock!
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........\...\.......... ....?´
All i need to know about you is that you're a snitch and a pussy. Case closed. ;)

Oh. And I know your wife was (and still is) sucking an incredible amount of penis for money.

Oh and I know you got busted for growing mids. SAD!

Cash me ousy. Let's see how much of a pussy I really am. Unless you're scared.

Keyboard warrior. Just call me a racist and move on.
Even a piece of shit knows their place in this world....

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........\...\.......... ....?´

Good one. You should probably kill yourself.
You sure are bitch-made.

I skied, fished and bbqed with my homies today.

All the while you sat on free public wifi awaiting my responses.

While your wife was out banging black guys. Again.

Do you ever tire of being a cuck?

What do you have against black guys?

Tell me more about how you seek my approval.
What are you going to do tomorrow?

Are you with a lady right now?

How much do you have in your savings account?

Come on Bob, show me what you got.
Tomorrow I will ski again. Probably fly fish and then go out to dinner.

Yes. My wife. Who doesn't need to bang other guys for money. Because I'm not a lazy loser with a tiny IQ and penis (like you).

More money (that I acquired legally) than your trailer (or life) is worth.

Since I answered your question will you do me the courtesy of answering mine?
