Republicans scared of Clinton?

Not much infrastructure. Not much in renewable energy either, and a lot of that was wasted or went overseas. Most was tax cuts, but cutting contributions to Social Security when its already underfunded will have repercussions. Notice how politicians like to enact proposals that get paid for only long after they leave office?

jesus christ you are dumb and a bad liar.

"most" was not tax cuts. tax cuts accounted for less than half of the ARRA, moron. that makes it less than "most".

the payroll tax cut had nothing to do with the ARRA, moron.

you are irreparably stupid.
Bain capital made a lot of money. DOE just spends money. Race has nothing to do with it. What is wrong with you?

spending and investing are different things, herr red.

we didn't spend money on the hoover dam, we invested money into it. and guess what kind of a return we got on that? hint: it's a damn good one.

how about the california aqueduct? was that just money "spent" rather than invested? try telling that to the farmers who grow your citrus and pistachios, shit for brains.

and yes, race has everything to do with it in the case of ilikecheetoes. he said american black males are worthless, which is only slightly worse than your statement about black males being magically inclined to criminality.

fuck you.
I don't recall any bill called "stimulus", or the "stimulus act". Likewise "bail out", neither bill exists.

i recall TARP, popularly known as the bailout, passed under bush and the 110th.

i also recall the ARRA, popularly known as the stimulus, passed under obama and the 111th.

not just semantic, friend.
i said most. not all. And you still havent disputed it.
By your logic most greater than 50% right?
70% of black kids are born out of wedlock and raised without dads. so thats more than 50% are pieces of shit.

ah crap but my math could be wrong. Since most are cranking out 3 - 5 kids it really skews my numbers.
popularly known as popularly known as

not just semantic

Shall we move on?

That TARP and ARRA were inextricably linked would be far less about semantics than any popular notion of what nick names are given to the bills. The fact is TARP paved the way for ARRA, the "bailouts" made the "stimulus" possible.

Before we got side tracked on your fixation with a petty semantic argument, I was pointing out that Obama not only bailed out the banks, he made sure his Wall Street buddies got away with their crimes.

To further demonstrate that it makes perfect sense to claim that Obama bailed out the banks, I would also point out that Obama was one of the senators who created TARP. You can't just blame that on Dubya. You can blame Dubya for causing a need for such measures though.

As of yet, he has failed to bring justice to Wall Street.

"Well, first on the issue of prosecutions on Wall Street, one of the biggest problems about the collapse of Lehmans and the subsequent financial crisis and the whole subprime lending fiasco is that a lot of that stuff wasn’t necessarily illegal, it was just immoral or inappropriate or reckless…" ~Obama

It is just like the CIA interrogators. Maybe they started during the Dubya years, but they were used just as much, then absolved of their criminal behavior by the current president. It is a slap in the face to the people who voted for him.
Shall we move on?

That TARP and ARRA were inextricably linked would be far less about semantics than any popular notion of what nick names are given to the bills. The fact is TARP paved the way for ARRA, the "bailouts" made the "stimulus" possible.

Before we got side tracked on your fixation with a petty semantic argument, I was pointing out that Obama not only bailed out the banks, he made sure his Wall Street buddies got away with their crimes.

To further demonstrate that it makes perfect sense to claim that Obama bailed out the banks, I would also point out that Obama was one of the senators who created TARP. You can't just blame that on Dubya. You can blame Dubya for causing a need for such measures though.

As of yet, he has failed to bring justice to Wall Street.

"Well, first on the issue of prosecutions on Wall Street, one of the biggest problems about the collapse of Lehmans and the subsequent financial crisis and the whole subprime lending fiasco is that a lot of that stuff wasn’t necessarily illegal, it was just immoral or inappropriate or reckless…" ~Obama

It is just like the CIA interrogators. Maybe they started during the Dubya years, but they were used just as much, then absolved of their criminal behavior by the current president. It is a slap in the face to the people who voted for him.

Admit you are wrong and we can move on. Try google.

"I commend the House of Representatives for coming together to pass the economic rescue bill today. I'm glad I suspended my campaign to go back to Washington to help bring the House Republicans to the table. I believe that the taxpayer protections that have been added have improved the bill. This rescue bill is not perfect, and it is an outrage that it's even necessary. But we must stop the damage to our economy done by corrupt and incompetent practices on Wall Street and in Washington."
`John Mccain
Admit you are wrong and we can move on. Try google.

"I commend the House of Representatives for coming together to pass the economic rescue bill today. I'm glad I suspended my campaign to go back to Washington to help bring the House Republicans to the table. I believe that the taxpayer protections that have been added have improved the bill. This rescue bill is not perfect, and it is an outrage that it's even necessary. But we must stop the damage to our economy done by corrupt and incompetent practices on Wall Street and in Washington."
`John Mccain

Not my fault he joined a corrupt war and because of his shell shock confuses Ds and Rs.
Admit you are wrong and we can move on. Try google.

"I commend the House of Representatives for coming together to pass the economic rescue bill today. I'm glad I suspended my campaign to go back to Washington to help bring the House Republicans to the table. I believe that the taxpayer protections that have been added have improved the bill. This rescue bill is not perfect, and it is an outrage that it's even necessary. But we must stop the damage to our economy done by corrupt and incompetent practices on Wall Street and in Washington."
`John Mccain

It was a few months before that he was telling us the foundation to our economy was strong. It was his turn to run though.
you infer that she would even care..

99% of the time it is will destroy a family....I don't know if she cares or not....Thats what I am afraid of is how is she going to act and lead a country at the same time...Maybe she should explain to the nation how she is going to deal with it when it hit the news wires....
99% of the time it is will destroy a family....I don't know if she cares or not....Thats what I am afraid of is how is she going to act and lead a country at the same time...Maybe she should explain to the nation how she is going to deal with it when it hit the news wires....

you obviously have never been married..
Not to worry. She became a Senator and quit. She was winning the Democratic nomination and quit. She was appointed Secretary of State and quit. If she wins the Presidency, she'll quit it, too.

:wall:she quit because the ticket was split..and stepped down from her post as Secretary of State like many others after serving 4 years in the presidents cabinet..this is HS freshman year Political Science 101..