Republicans scared of Clinton?

more than before = expanded

He should of done more. But What I said still applys
He expanded Medical Marijuana in New Jersey

no, the legislature would have expanded medical cannabis, but he vetoed it and told them to keep things more limited.

christie made sure medical cannabis in NJ was more limited.
“I believe that parents, and not government regulators, are best suited to decide how to care for their children,” Christie in his conditional veto of the bill. “Protection of our children remains my utmost concern, and my heart goes out to those children and their families who are suffering with serious illnesses."
The statement went on: "Today, I am making commonsense recommendations to this legislation to ensure sick children receive the treatment their parents prefer, while maintaining appropriate safeguards. I am calling on the Legislature to reconvene quickly and address these issues so that children in need can get the treatment they need.”

now if only catatonic children could talk to a psychiatrist.
Legal to possess and grow
Illegal to sell

Lets get the goverment out of Marijuana completly

illegal to sell is not safe access, two of my patients could never grow themselves . . .and if they cant get medicine in any and all forms when needed thats fucked up

safe access is just that, safe! and you cant have that with limits to how or what is legal for a patient to acquire and consume
It's still better than most states where any form of treatment is banned. Remember that he not necessarily going backwards, he is just not moving fast enough for some people, and they are few and far between. He sure as hell doesn't want to be tagged as a liberal towards pot.
illegal to sell is not safe access, two of my patients could never grow themselves . . .and if they cant get medicine in any and all forms when needed thats fucked up

safe access is just that, safe! and you cant have that with limits to how or what is legal for a patient to acquire and consume
Two of your patients can buy a ball point pen from you for a hundred bucks that come with a free bag of weed
with your use of the term young person i must assume you are out of touch with society, back in the real world they call me a voter which is all that matter sin a conversation about politics, but go ahead and start in with your excuses

Excuses?..for what?...You can vote all you want......
christie is a bit of a pussy. he spent $12 million dollars to keep cory booker off the ballot so he can win his reelection by a few more points.

then he vetoes a bill that he himself wanted, a ban on 50 cals.

at least he made gay conversion clinics illegal, the man has some common sense. just not very much.

Why ban .50s? They haven't been used in even one civil crime in living memory.
Every one should be afraid, very afraid. On a positive note at least Obama will be gone he is a disaster. Single handedly threw the middle east into a huge cluster fuck. Muslim brotherhood, yea right.