Republicans Wage War on the Rule of Law


Ursus marijanus
One consequence of the new indictment of the traitor President is that the GOP is almost unanimously laying the blame not on the perpetrator(s), but the Department of Justice.

This thread is presented as a place to document the Republican effort, now self-sustaining without its mob-boss figurehead, to discredit and disable the justice and judicial system that has become massively inconvenient to an organized cabal of GOP legislators intent on institutionalizing minority rule, an objective at obvious odds with the philosophy and policies of a republic.

To do so, the overthrow legislators must engage in visible treason, a crime in any honest state. Their answer is to undo the system framed to protect a government by, for and of the people.

Other threads are documenting the culture war, voter disenfranchisement and Congressional obstruction.

This one seeks to focus on the now-plain offensive on a system that would hold GOP activists to account for their intense and sustained attack on this nation’s core institutions tasked with investigating and addressing high crimes and misdemeanors directed against its expressly egalitarian constitution, in both senses of the word.

It begins thus:

This suggests that there is a contingent in the GOP with less extreme views and objectives.

It is frightening when yesterday’s extremists are today’s moderates.

One consequence of the new indictment of the traitor President is that the GOP is almost unanimously laying the blame not on the perpetrator(s), but the Department of Justice.

This thread is presented as a place to document the Republican effort, now self-sustaining without its mob-boss figurehead, to discredit and disable the justice and judicial system that has become massively inconvenient to an organized cabal of GOP legislators intent on institutionalizing minority rule, an objective at obvious odds with the philosophy and policies of a republic.

To do so, the overthrow legislators must engage in visible treason, a crime in any honest state. Their answer is to undo the system framed to protect a government by, for and of the people.

Other threads are documenting the culture war, voter disenfranchisement and Congressional obstruction.

This one seeks to focus on the now-plain offensive on a system that would hold GOP activists to account for their intense and sustained attack on this nation’s core institutions tasked with investigating and addressing high crimes and misdemeanors directed against its expressly egalitarian constitution, in both senses of the word.

It begins thus:

The most extreme and vocal appear to be the guiltiest of crimes around J6, those requesting pardons, their volume has increased due to two events, IMO, Mark turning rat and Trump getting busted for the MAL docs with the J6 indictments to follow later. Those in the republican party who were not involved in J6 are largely silent, led by Mitch and Mitt Romney. What has Lindsey been saying? Keeping his head down? He has exposure in Georgia and Mark could be a witness against him there. Besides, they can't afford to lose his base or have them turn on them, most of the GOP nominees have been making friendly noises about looking into it, but nothing specific. They would be giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists with a pardon promise FFS and that should disqualify them.
The most extreme and vocal appear to be the guiltiest of crimes around J6, those requesting pardons, their volume has increased due to two events, IMO, Mark turning rat and Trump getting busted for the MAL docs with the J6 indictments to follow later. Those in the republican party who were not involved in J6 are largely silent, led by Mitch and Mitt Romney. What has Lindsey been saying? Keeping his head down? He has exposure in Georgia and Mark could be a witness against him there. Besides, they can't afford to lose his base or have them turn on them, most of the GOP nominees have been making friendly noises about looking into it, but nothing specific. They would be giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists with a pardon promise FFS and that should disqualify them.
Interesting and plausible speculations. However the results starting with Mueller have been surprising. I will await concrete developments, as there is tremendous latitude in the relationship between reasonable expectation and actual outcome.

One thing I ask everyone is to avoid the distressingly popular formulation “most extreme”. The word extreme is a superlative* on its own, roughly equivalent to farthest. Let’s be kind to correct usage and say “the extreme”.

*on adjectives:
positive (or adjective): fast, much
comparative: faster, more
superlative: fastest, most

Extreme has no positive or comparative, and is classed as ungradable, like “ultimate”.
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Right wing conservatives react to Trump's indictment

34,766 views Jun 10, 2023 #Trump #Conservatives #Indictment
After being federally indicted, former President Donald Trump spreads his "witchhunt" narrative on his social platform and the MAGA faithful jumps on that bandwagon. Former Republican Representative Denver Riggleman joins us to talk about extremism and what's at stake in the 2024 election.
Interesting and plausible speculations. However the results starting with Mueller have been surprising. I will await concrete developments, as there is tremendous latitude in the relationship between reasonable expectation and actual outcome.

One thing I ask everyone is to avoid the distressingly popular formulation “most extreme”. The word extreme is a superlative* on its own, roughly equivalent to farthest. Let’s be kind to correct usage and say “the extreme”.

on adjectives:
positive (or adjective): fast, much
comparative: faster, more
superlative: fastest, most

Extreme has no positive or comparative, and is classed as ungradable, like “ultimate”.
There has been a variety of response from the republicans, from silence to freaking out and it appears to correlate with their involvement with J6. There is division in the party over Trump, most just want him gone and memory holed, even those making noises like De Santis.

GOP 2024 rivals defend Trump after indictment

32 views Jun 10, 2023 #2024Election #Trump #Indictment
2024 Republican primary candidates are reacting to former President Donald Trump's indictment. But hardly anyone is going all in on Trump. Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized the Justice Department while declaring that "no one is above the law", and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has leaned into defending Trump.

Steve Schmidt breaks down how democracy in the United States could fail | The Warning

17,027 views Jun 10, 2023 The Warning Podcast
In a conversation with Joyce Vance, Steve Schmidt discusses how fragile democracy is and why he believes it is in danger.
I don't know how much any of you can stomach listening to what appear to me to be a coven of Proud Boys with a studio but the MAGAts have swallowed Trump's lies horn and hoof. Link starts with the first set of lies

So, here's a rundown of what they broadcast, , extracted from just 10 minutes in a 2 hr video.

* Differential enforcement -- Why Trump and not corrupt Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton?
* The indictment is direct election interference. Never before has a sitting president filed an indictment against his chief rival.
* The same day evidence comes out that Biden is corrupt and taking bribes. (I don't know what he's talking about)
* Almost anyone else (H Clinton) who had done the things they did would have been investigated and most likely prosecuted.
* They are trying to nail Donald Trump for having classified documents even though he had declassified them.
* Donald Trump is setting an example to the American People and so now they need to make one out of him.
* Revisiting the Russia Hoax "and there was nothing there". But Sessions appointed a special prosecutor.
* Do you think Garland will appoint a special prosecutor to look into Joe Biden's 5 billion? (snicker)
* The president and former presidents are actually above the law because people can indict them for actions they took while in office. For example Barack Obama's drones used against American Citizens. Or GW Bush's "illegal" war in Iraq. But no, the 1st president to be indicted is Trump
* What Trump did is not worthy of an indictment.

It goes on but I haven't the patience to listen any more. The thing is, these are all easily refuted when the facts are brought to bear but the super power that MAGA fascism has is facts don't matter, their anger matters. They aren't hearing the facts.

GOP 2024 rivals defend Trump after indictment

32 views Jun 10, 2023 #2024Election #Trump #Indictment
2024 Republican primary candidates are reacting to former President Donald Trump's indictment. But hardly anyone is going all in on Trump. Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized the Justice Department while declaring that "no one is above the law", and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has leaned into defending Trump.
They make a case that MAGA leaders want the violence. Can't deny that some have already said it out loud. What would it take to declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization? An attack led by Trump on the US Capitol Building, perhaps?
Here's the story about a $5M bribe from Burisma to Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Somebody said something and a form was filled out. If it's true and can be proven to the level that cases against Trump are done, then I hope Biden burns. But then again Fox News "Exclusive" :roll:

Published June 8, 2023 5:15pm EDT
Joe Biden allegedly paid $5M by Burisma executive as part of a bribery scheme, according to FBI document
Biden's son Hunter was a board member of Burisma and also allegedly in on the scheme

EXCLUSIVE: President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board, a confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview, sources familiar told Fox News Digital.

The sources briefed Fox News Digital on the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.

The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI's interview with a "highly credible" confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015. Fox News Digital has not seen the form, but it was described by several sources who are aware of its contents.

An FD-1023 form is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting from confidential human sources. The form is used to document information as told to an FBI agent, but recording that information does not validate or weigh it against other information known by the FBI.

The Burisma executive sought the advice of the confidential source, a business professional, on gaining U.S. oil rights and getting involved with a U.S. oil company, the sources familiar with the document said. The Burisma executive was speaking with the confidential source to "get advice on the best way to go forward" in 2015 and 2016.

According to the FD-1023 form, the confidential human source said the Burisma executive discussed Hunter’s role on the board. The confidential human source questioned why the Burisma executive needed his or her advice in acquiring access to U.S. oil if he had Hunter Biden on the board. The Burisma executive answered by referring to Hunter Biden as "dumb."

The Burisma executive explained to the confidential source that Burisma had to "pay the Bidens" because Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma, and explained how difficult it would be to enter the U.S. market in the midst of that investigation.

The confidential source further detailed that conversation, suggesting to the Burisma executive that he "pay the Bidens $50,000 each," to which the Burisma executive replied, it is "not $50,000," it is "$5 million."

"$5 million for one Biden, $5 million for the other Biden," the Burisma executive told the confidential human source, according to a source familiar with the document.

A source familiar said according to the document, the $5 million payments appeared to reference a kind of "retainer" Burisma intended to pay the Bidens to deal with a number of issues, including the investigation led by Shokin. Another source referred to the arrangement as a "pay-to-play" scheme.
They make a case that MAGA leaders want the violence. Can't deny that some have already said it out loud. What would it take to declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization? An attack led by Trump on the US Capitol Building, perhaps?
Will Trump go out with a whimper or a bang? He will whimper in the end, but after how much trouble and shit?
Chris is former prosecutor and a republican candidate for nominee... His job is to be a hit man and take down Donald, not win the nomination, he's a spoiler.

Chris Christie reacts to Trump federal indictment

581,992 views Jun 9, 2023 #CNN #News
CNN's Jake Tapper is joined by GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie to talk about former President Donald Trump's federal indictment. #CNN #News

Growing reaction from Republicans since Trump's indictment

54,365 views Jun 10, 2023 #Trump #Indictment #MSNBC
NBC News' Julie Tsirkin shares the latest on the growing reactions from Congressional Republicans since former President Trump's federal indictment. Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., a critic of the former president, said that the indictment "should concern all of us," and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said it would "disrupt this nation."
I don't know how much any of you can stomach listening to what appear to me to be a coven of Proud Boys with a studio but the MAGAts have swallowed Trump's lies horn and hoof. Link starts with the first set of lies

So, here's a rundown of what they broadcast, , extracted from just 10 minutes in a 2 hr video.

* Differential enforcement -- Why Trump and not corrupt Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton?
* The indictment is direct election interference. Never before has a sitting president filed an indictment against his chief rival.
* The same day evidence comes out that Biden is corrupt and taking bribes. (I don't know what he's talking about)
* Almost anyone else (H Clinton) who had done the things they did would have been investigated and most likely prosecuted.
* They are trying to nail Donald Trump for having classified documents even though he had declassified them.
* Donald Trump is setting an example to the American People and so now they need to make one out of him.
* Revisiting the Russia Hoax "and there was nothing there". But Sessions appointed a special prosecutor.
* Do you think Garland will appoint a special prosecutor to look into Joe Biden's 5 billion? (snicker)
* The president and former presidents are actually above the law because people can indict them for actions they took while in office. For example Barack Obama's drones used against American Citizens. Or GW Bush's "illegal" war in Iraq. But no, the 1st president to be indicted is Trump
* What Trump did is not worthy of an indictment.

It goes on but I haven't the patience to listen any more. The thing is, these are all easily refuted when the facts are brought to bear but the super power that MAGA fascism has is facts don't matter, their anger matters. They aren't hearing the facts.
Hey, bonus for law enforcement right there...They know who to keep a fucking eye on now.
I'm guessing all of these people are going to end up on a NO WEAPONS list as soon as the dust from trumps apocalyptic fall settles.