Republicans Wage War on the Rule of Law

Republicans systematically downplaying the severity of Jan 6. One might be forgiven to suspect that it was a huge embarrassment to the party.

Particularly ripe nugget: Ratt Gaetz spearheading an effort to censure Bennie Thompson of the select committee on Jan 6, essentially for demonstrating that Jan 6 was a deliberate and coordinated assault on our government by Repug loyalists.


What ever happened to the federal investigation of Trump's fake elector scheme?

120,256 views Jun 20, 2023 #Trump #GOP #Election
Rachel Maddow revisits what was learned about Donald Trump's fake elector scheme in the wake of his defeat in the 2020 election and the January 6 riot, and shares details of new reporting from The Washington Post about why the FBI was so slow to investigate that aspect of Trump's effort to subvert the election.
Culture warriors in Montana get slammed by district judge — and are left holding the bill for their shenanigans!

The tack in Montana is for the Republican supermajority to attack the judiciary. Since the judiciary upholds current law, and the reactionary legislature doesn't like law when it doesn't favor them, they are working on the underpinnings.

The tack in Montana is for the Republican supermajority to attack the judiciary. Since the judiciary upholds current law, and the reactionary legislature doesn't like law when it doesn't favor them, they are working on the underpinnings.

"If democracy gets in the way of what Montana's GOP legislators want to do, then democracy in Montana has to go. "

This is what Republicans mean when they say the US is a republic and not a democracy.
The tack in Montana is for the Republican supermajority to attack the judiciary. Since the judiciary upholds current law, and the reactionary legislature doesn't like law when it doesn't favor them, they are working on the underpinnings.

I looked for an article on the impetus for this legislation (you, I and the chickens know dominionists are at the root of this) but the new destructive reformatting of Google for iPhone frustrated the search.
I looked for an article on the impetus for this legislation (you, I and the chickens know dominionists are at the root of this) but the new destructive reformatting of Google for iPhone frustrated the search.
It's really about power. It's been a running dispute for a while. I am not sure what really started it, but I think it was a GOP plan from the beginning to attack abortion rights. So, yes, dominionists.

This one explains partway through the article:
Then there are the typical GOP fights against democracy and rule of law: