Repurposed couch cushons, or new growing medium?

C. Duke

Hey all,

I've had it with using rockwool cubed for my cuttings. I can't always be home every 12 hours to do the watering, so my stuff is always either too dry or too wet. Either way, it translates to dead clippings with no roots.

Searching for a open cell foam to use instead. I'm looking for something in the same order as a pump filter, not couch cushion foam haha. Although, while searching this morning, I did come across this guy;action=display;num=1356672832
using furniture foam scavenged from old furniture people were throwing away in the alley behind his house.

What I'm thinking about doing is using foam in 2" net pots set into a 4" pipe just like a NFT system, but instead of NFT, I'll use the pipe to flood and drain. Fill with a fitting on the bottom of pipe, and overflow on cap at other end, into a well aerated rez. I'll cut the foam to the appropriate size, then fold it over cutting stem, insert into net pot, and pipe tube. Automatic watering cycle every hour or so [depends on water holding capacity of whatever foam I wind up with]. I have some left over open cell foam from building a buck for a motorcycle cafe racer seat down in the garage, and I may try that first on just a couple cuttings. Best news is, the foam store is next door to the hydroponic supply place hahaha! How awesome is that!

I got the idea by remembering about a guy [Bright Agrotech] who makes vertical aquaponic grow towers. He uses a polyester foam fabric in his towers to hold the plant cuttings. Works great for him! Only guy I ever heard say he was sick of eating strawberries because his system made so many.

One of the advantages I see in doing it this way, is that I won't have any unsupported roots to damage when transplanting into my Hydroton pots for my flowering table as I would with a aerocloner. When the roots begin coming out the bottom of the net pot, I transplant directly into pot of Hydroton, and put into my F&D flower table. No messing around with making sure it's 1/2" above top waterline to keep darn Rockwool from getting over watered. Also, no top watering for a week & a half till roots find their way down to the wet stuff as with transplanting darn Rockwool. Did I mention what a time waster I think Rockwool is? Sick of it!

Has anybody else done a foam experiment? Turns out that the one guy sells his media now. That's a new development since I last looked at his stuff. I bet it's way overpriced though. I haven't checked yet, but will be looking after I post this. Any sources for the same sort of stuff??? Also, he said in this new vid that it's basically the same stuff as STG was made from. I think STG is out of business? Can't find their stuff anywhere anymore. All out of stock, and no reply email from manufacturer. This leads me to believe that STG was just repackaging the stuff for hydro growers and getting a nice markup in the process. Gotta be a good source out there for this material cheap!

C. Duke

Been doing some research on the subject today. Found this stuff:
I think the 2" thick stuff would work good. Instead of net pots, I could just stick it into 1.5" cube trays with plastic over the top to help keep the light out and away from emerging roots. Still not cheap enough. At least it gives me another avenue to go looking for it at pool supply stores without having to buy one massive roll for hundreds of dollars. This looks just like the stuff Bright Agrotech is using. When I looked up where I could buy it years ago, it looked like I would have to order a container full of it from mainland China, hahaha. Not gonna happen!

C. Duke

Ha! I can't believe it. I couldn't get any of the new media I want today, but I wound up at a different hydro store than the one I usually go to, and they had STG 1.5" cubes and Hail cubes. I've been wanting to try this stuff for a long time now, but the company went under and nobody has any. This poor guy has tons of it on his shelf that nobody wants. Can you say 80% off regular price. Anyway, I got a bunch, and first thing I do when I got home was to try it out. I now understand why the company went out of business. I'm glad I didn't buy him out of all he had. It appears to hold just as much if not more water than rockwool. Not at all as advertised as a free draining media. I'll have to play with it. Another pain in the behind waste of time. I'll have to order some of the pond filter material on line.


Well-Known Member
I'll start out by saying I've never used rockwool, I've read too many experiences similar to yours. I do rapid rooters or aeroclone.
Why not just set up a timed drip or mist system so you don't have to hand water? you could even get a little crazy and have a moisture/humidity switch kick it on and off.
Don't like aero/bubble cloners huh? I don't understand the issue with the unsupported roots..I spiral them into the netpot and dump hydroton on em..I'm pretty rough with em, usually lose some roots during transplants, never seen one that didn't bounce back within 24hrs., usually those ones have an explosion of new root growth, from my casual observations.

As for foam HomeDepot sells gutter blocker material:

It's not square, but I think it's the open cell you're looking for. Also try fish/aquarium supply places, it's the same foam used in fish filters, could probably source it in bulk through them.