Repurposing Cheap Chinese LED Panels


Well-Known Member
Anyone know how or if repurposing cheap chinese led panels is possible? Some bulbs have burned out and I wanted to replace them. Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sure you can but once you're done how long do you think it will be before another one burns out? Cut your losses. Depending on the model you can rip out the heatsinks and fans and drivers, find a COB that works well with the LED drivers it has and slap them all together to build a better light than what you started with. I mean if you can de-solder and re-solder LEDs, you can build a DIY COB easy-peasy.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't even have to use cobs, crees xm-l2 and xp-l are more efficient (powerful) than cheap chips and offer lower voltages to work with than cobs. What kind of drivers do you have?


Well-Known Member
I'll bet you can re-use the housing , chords, nuts and bolts and then just re-"gut" it with Cree and Meanwell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input, I'm new to building my own LED and it is good to know I don't have to throw everything out and start new.