Research is key

Here's my .02...

I've read all the FAQ, guides, used the search feature, google, you name it. I've read a shitload. I still think asking questions no matter what is a good thing. Who's to say techniques have not changed, technology progressed, or even someone more knowledgeable may happen to be online.

Repeat questions, get different answers from different people each time. Which in turns helps out. Then when someone like me uses the search feature I get a good amount of info.

The man that knows where to find knowledge in 1 place doesn't compete with the the man that finds knowledge in many places
if you ask a question you will got a discussion whereas if you read up you cant ask the author to elaberate on a point so you might get confused or misunderstand the point being made.

i do believe that noobs questions should be contained in the noob forum tho, hate reading stupid questions in the advanced or general sections.
I believe questions are the answer.

When a noob comes on the forum asking a question that has been answered a million times over, it should be taken as an opportunity to lead the newcomer in the right direction.

We should not be upset about the question, but understanding of their needs. Getting angry with someone new will not solve the problem, it will only cause distress and hard feelings.

When someone asks a question, answer it politely and encourage them to use the search function, google, read books, etc...

It's our responsibility to move the next generation forward.
