Researching chemicals


Well-Known Member
I'm writing a somewhat autobiographical account of experiences, and psychedelics. Trying to put into words the unexplainable, make note of lessons learned, things that maybe a new tripper or seasoned veteran will find interesting. Here is the beginning of the section able research chemicals

A true psychedelic is defined by some kind of altered perception and a change in a mental state. Ego loss, ego dissolution, ego death. All of these are varying degrees of what a true psychonaught tries to attain, hoping to bring some universal wisdom into their daily lives.

At different times in history, we have been blessed (or cursed) with great minds who leave long lasting tools to sharpen our mental clarity. Other times, we discover that even the smallest change can make a vast difference, and can result in something amazing (2cp, doc, allylescaline, bod) and something useless, toxic, or deadly (2cn, 5meo aMT, 25i nbome).

There are several classes of psychedelics, lysergamides, phenethylamines, and tryptamines make up the most popular, and most well known, however there are some psychedelic amphetamines as well as some other compounds which could be considered psychedelic. I have sampled a larger than usual pool of molecules, so here are a few things I've learned, felt, discovered, etc on a somewhat obscure level. I have personally sampled over 40 different research chemicals, however out of those, there are only a few that stand out (probably similar to Shulgins magical half dozen)

There are two main actives in magic mushrooms, psilocin and psylocybin. There are probably some other alkaloids which add to the overall effect. These are tryptamines based on their molecular structure and have mostly similar effects. There have been several analogues (a similar molecular structure with a slight difference, that is man made as opposed to natural)

Some users of 4aco dmt that I know have reported ocean, and underwear like visuals. Dolphins, mermaids, assorted fish, invertebrates such as octopi, jellyfish, many vivid encounters, some people such as myself reported hearing, seeing, feeling, or otherwise coming into contact with some other presence, or consciousness which guided them through their experience.

I have seen almost ayahuasca like visuals with higher doses of this analogue, however the entity presence seems to be much more chaotic than usual.

With 4aco Det, I had not a care in the world, and felt very open, relaxed and euphoric. There were hardly any visuals except for slight color and rippling.

On my first experience with 4aco det, I took a smallish amount, in the range of 10-15 mg, and took my dog for a walk. My plan was to take him into the woods and go exploring a little, hopefully alone, as I was not sure what my reaction to this not well known compound would be. We went back onto a bike path near my house, and before long I felt a tingly tryptamine come up. Things started flowing like water and got a little sparkly.

Usually when I take my dog on the bike path, I get mean looks from people, or scared looks as they hide their children. My dog is big, and a pitbull. He was at least half my weight when this experience happened, and I had a lot of negative interactions with walkers who believed that pitbulls were mean vicious animals, so I was really looking forward to losing ourselves in a field and small forest which while not "ours" was our tripping playground.

I really soon lost any inhibition I had towards being around people, and before long, found myself talking to several walkers. I was open, friendly, not at all worried about my physical appearance (I could immediately tell I wasn't going to be sloppy or draw attention to myself).

Normally if a pedestrian would approach me or my dog when I was walking I would inadvertently look down, or away. Anything to avoid eye contact, anything to avoid small talk. An older couple remarked on how beautiful my dog was, and how well mannered (I walk him off leash and he follows voice commands even at that time when he was 1-2 years old). I was drawn into a conversation with them, politely talking about the weather, how nice the day was, where this and that business was and where a good place to eat was. They played with my dog for a little bit, and overall the mental feeling I had was akin to conversing with an old high school friend.

I didn't know these people, I don't usually like talking to random strangers, and I rarely let people play with my dog like that at the time because he was young, 60+ pounds, and... a pitbull!! Not many people would approach him and be friendly with him. Was I vibing off Sombra, was Sombra vibing off me? He was incredibly receptive to the couple, as if he knew that he should be calm and not "crazy dog" while calmly allowing the couple to pet him and play fetch.

They soon went on their way, and I seemed to attract more people, all very open and friendly, all dog lovers, all commenting on how well behaved my bundle of energy was being. A few children came up to pet him even, and again he was calm and loving the attention but not in your face like he can be.

The visuals weren't overwhelming, just a calm tryptamine ripple across every surface, slight colors which were usually neons and sparkles, but nothing too severe.

The main trip was mostly mental. I felt unstoppable, as if I was attracting only positive vibes. I felt clear-headed, I gave directions to the older couple, and was able to keep coherent thoughts about what people were saying, as opposed to having to have them repeat stuff all the time.

At higher doses (100mg+) there was an almost holographic quality to visuals, as if seeing extra layers of color and energy, but again no crazy headspace, I was clear and mentally sharp. Several people have told me that their experiences were incredible. One person said that if they could take 4aco det instead of anti-anxiety medicine they would switch in a heartbeat. To my knowledge, none of the people that I know who have experienced this analogue have had anything negative to say. All of them felt some anxiety relief, or more friendly openness.

I had a couple experiences with a legendary tryptamine analogue, not commonly made anymore. One of them was this specific drug by itself, and time I combined it with another RC. The compound I'm talking about is DiPT. If you want to have incredible visuals and an awesome mindset, don't take DiPT. It won't work like that.

If you want to have next to no visuals, no change in headspace, but you want to hear colors, and just hear sounds from nothing... DiPT is the choice for you, if you can find it.

I remember playing a couple games on my phone, waiting for the dose to kick in. It started with the typical tryptamine buzz, and my phone screen started glowing a little. There was just a hint of the visuals that tend to define most tryptamines, that slight flow over surfaces. Will this kick up higher, or is the actual experience going to be mostly sounds?

I got my answer extremely soon, as a rocket I launched in the game made a musical twang as it exploded. My ground troops started singing a bit. The theme music was raised and lowered in pitch, sounding like it came from beneath my feet, through the wall, behind me? The vibrations of sound never stopped for a solid 12 hours. I was reminded of the Doppler effect. The walls warbled, the trees sighed, the lights beeped. The visuals never went more than what they were in the beginning, the mindset? Non-existent.

When I combined it with another research chemical, 2ci, I would see the sounds coming at me from everything. Bands of color that were red were higher, warmer pitches. Bands that were cool blue were deeper. Sometimes a sound would start out orange and end purple or look bright and end like a dull thwack. Jingles and jangles came at me from all sides. Was that my radio? The bird outside?
Leave me feedback and critiques, mistakes in spelling stuff like that! Hopefully you enjoyed reading it, I'm wanting to get it published at some point
I have a whole lot more written, my battery died. I'm working on it, really really hoping to get published and in a bookstore near you
I've also tried 5meo mipt and 5meo dipt as well as. They seemed a bit more colorful than their 4ho cousins (4ho mipt and 4ho dipt) they were both relaxing feeling as well. The tryptamine rush was still there but not as much. It still had a feeler similar to mushrooms, but more toned down. I remember quite a few nights sitting around with friends who had dosed either of these, sipping on a few beers. It was easier to drink a couple and chill and trip on these than anything else (that would produce visuals) in my experience. This was a couple of the few that I wouldn't mind dosing in a group.

Once I took a larger amount of 5meo dipt and went out with friends. I saw colored squares like a Rubik's cube flashing on the wall and three fingered green aliens open and close them like doors, or portals. This gives me the impression that higher doses may have some extra visual aspect that lower doses might not have. Unfortunately I didn't get the same mindset as I would on mushrooms, so it seems more of a social experience, one that would be more fun with friends as opposed to a solo experience. I didn't get as profound visuals on 5meo mipt as I did on 5meo dipt.
Fascinating stuff.

I tried LSD a few times as a method to open my mind to new pathways and to think creatively and to examine problems. I'd like to continue doing that, at least occasionally. Altering one's perspective can open up new ways of looking at things and help the creative process.
I have a quite extensive experience and opinions with psychs, and all drug use(17yrs) I've often thought of writing a book. I'll give you my 3 cents another time. I'm at the bottom of a pit this evening. Maybe there's a ladder somewhere. Maybe tomorrow
I have a quite extensive experience and opinions with psychs, and all drug use(17yrs) I've often thought of writing a book. I'll give you my 3 cents another time. I'm at the bottom of a pit this evening. Maybe there's a ladder somewhere. Maybe tomorrow
Mainstream Psychology is waking up to the idea of mushrooms and MDMA as antidepressants. All kidding aside, I think this research has real potential.
Never asked for your anything drowning baby. Maybe a new window for my car puto. Other than that I'd really like it if you didn't respond to my posts
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Never asked for your anything drowning baby. Maybe a new window for my car puto. Other than that I'd really like it if you didn't respond to my posts
I tried to make good months ago but you ignored my olive branch like a little Winnie bitch. But fuck you now, I ain't giving you shit, if my apologies arnt good enough neither is my money. You need money for a clean deuch or something?
Never asked for your anything drowning baby. Maybe a new window for my car puto. Other than that I'd really like it if you didn't respond to my posts
I tried to make good months ago but you ignored my olive branch like a little Winnie bitch. But fuck you now, I ain't giving you shit, if my apologies arnt good enough neither is my money. You need money for a clean deuch or something?
Mainstream Psychology is waking up to the idea of mushrooms and MDMA as antidepressants. All kidding aside, I think this research has real potential.
Maybe, but big pharma not so much. Maybe MDMA, but not shrooms which can't be patented.