Reserva Privada Headbad aka Sour Kush Outdoor Grow Journal


Active Member
361.jpg368.jpg364.jpg371.jpg363.jpg372.jpgSo this is my 2nd grow. I have 8 Reserva Privada Headband "Sour Kush" plants. The 2 smaller ones are blue widow and white widow. They are getting close to harvest. They have been outdoors now for 2 months after vegging inside for 10 days from seed(except for the widow's.) Unfortunately they only get around 5 1/2 hours of direct sunlight which is negatively affecting the bud growth. Bud the growth is still nice :-) Temps range from the 80's to 90's and humidity around 90-100% I started this journal for pointers from pro's and to help other outdoor growers. Also I like to be able to see what each plant looks like from real growers and not seed company's. So Tell me what you think and ask any Q's. Peacebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ive grown sourkush matter of fact just ordered six more, cuz i didnt clone my best one those mommas stretch when they flower so just make sure and trim the undergrowth if you can really well some of the pheno's will be more sativa buds that are kinda loose and then theres the dense pheno's that i think are some pretty top contenders considering ive been growin for bout six yrs, or so, so ive seen lots and lots of plants to stretchy for indoor in my opinoin unless u have really tall ceilings, the high and flavor is of the highest quality for sure tho especially the high it lasts so long , on all the pheno's i had!! p. s i grew out six different pheno's my short bushy pheno was not keepable or sellable but wait and see dont pick early u know


I was wondering where your doing this grow at? I thought it was kinda wild your plants are already flowering in june. Between my roommate and I, we have 40 plants outdoor and are maybe only pulling 5-7 hours direct lighting due to tree interference. I'm in northern california, given this is my first grow but still thats just so odd. Theres light, maybe not sun, but light hitting the plants. i'm amazed. let me know whats up. The plants look dope though. I really have been considering the headband for indoor come october. i hope you post a follow up with how it grows. and im really curious again where the grow is at.