Reserva Privada Sour Kush (Headband) waterfarm

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
any hydro shop should carry it... pretty standard stuff :)

also if your going to get nutes I highly recommend a mix of the fox farms line up for soil nutes, and a cal mag booster (though you likely have cal mag already). I've used 3-4 brands (technaflora, advanced nutrients, floranova ) so far and I like fox farms the best :).


Active Member
any hydro shop should carry it... pretty standard stuff :)

also if your going to get nutes I highly recommend a mix of the fox farms line up for soil nutes, and a cal mag booster (though you likely have cal mag already). I've used 3-4 brands (technaflora, advanced nutrients, floranova ) so far and I like fox farms the best :).
i found some at a garden store, I have maybe 2 hydro shops in my area, and i just don't trust them, Never shopped in them but maybe a little paranoid. Can i just feed with straight water, Im not trying to get it huge just a clone or two every half year or so.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
You need to keep feeding it to keep it alive and healthy.. the soil will only have enough food for about a month before you start seeing deficiencies..

Oh the woes of keeping a mother and clones :). It's why I just start from seed honestly.


Active Member
You need to keep feeding it to keep it alive and healthy.. the soil will only have enough food for about a month before you start seeing deficiencies..

Oh the woes of keeping a mother and clones :). It's why I just start from seed honestly.
Ya Im think of just keeping clones, of the sour kush then a mother, plus im scared of all the bugs soil can get, not wanting to ruin or infest my other plants.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
If you know soil and know plants you won't have bug problems.

The last two grows have been completely bug free for me, the grow before that that had a super slight bug issue, had spring tails in the soil, which are technically a beneficial organism. Never got near the buds, nor did they care to - they ate decaying organic material in the soil, like fungus or mold, or other bugs. Though I still don't like any organisms in soil besides mycorrhizae. Now my soil is just healthy as can be, no bugs, no problems *knock on wood*. :)

I'll be doin soil for a while before I go at hydro, I just like how easy soil is.


Active Member
If you know soil and know plants you won't have bug problems.

The last two grows have been completely bug free for me, the grow before that that had a super slight bug issue, had spring tails in the soil, which are technically a beneficial organism. Never got near the buds, nor did they care to - they ate decaying organic material in the soil, like fungus or mold, or other bugs. Though I still don't like any organisms in soil besides mycorrhizae. Now my soil is just healthy as can be, no bugs, no problems *knock on wood*. :)

I'll be doin soil for a while before I go at hydro, I just like how easy soil is.
I heard that, I find hydro is pretty easy, atleast my waterfarms, for the first 3 weeks of the plants life I water once a week or change out the res. per se. By this time I usually have a nice root mass that is hard to change the res. without do some type of stress or damage. Although in flower thats when my work comes in at, Well atleast my sour kush drinks a gallon and more per 12 hours a really drinker, but thats it after that everything is kosher. My nutes is just floranova bloom one nute, it has not let me down and is really easy to use.


Active Member
Will post some lights off pics later today, starting to become sticky to the touch, and buds forming nicely.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I heard that, I find hydro is pretty easy, atleast my waterfarms, for the first 3 weeks of the plants life I water once a week or change out the res. per se. By this time I usually have a nice root mass that is hard to change the res. without do some type of stress or damage. Although in flower thats when my work comes in at, Well atleast my sour kush drinks a gallon and more per 12 hours a really drinker, but thats it after that everything is kosher. My nutes is just floranova bloom one nute, it has not let me down and is really easy to use.

For sure. & I have some power issues, I've had some slight power outages.. Thinking about adding sump pumps and res changes to keep my plant alive just irks me.. Perhaps when I have some more plants, a resivor would make sense to me. I have contemplated the hydro farms, but I want to do 2-3 plants in my tent and I don't think I could fit 2 of those hydrofarms in my tent too comfy. I mean - There are times where I will forget to water, for like a 6-7 days.. when I water every 5 usually... I think if that was hydro and I forgot I would be fucked :lol: I feel like the plant can die a lot faster in hydro if you "forget" as I occasionally do. Like---- "Oh yeah... I GROW! Whens the last time I watered that shit then? :lol:"

That's a lot of water! I'd imagine you can attribute some of the excessive amount of water she is drinking to the transpiration. The lower the humidity, the faster the water will move through the plant from the roots to the leaves in order to keep everything from drying out :). Ya got some low arse humidity :lol:!


Active Member
Before this thread will continue I really need to Just pay homage and give respect to the grows and growers who influenced me to actually grow so From the bottom of my heart thank you and respect. The grows and links below. I feel that it's my job to teach and give advice like some members here have helped me out, I rather teach the man to fish then give him a fish. Like a wise man once told me PAY IT FORWARD. (Sr.verde)
[FONT=&quot]Reserva privada sour kush headband grow [/FONT]
by [FONT=&quot]Sr.Verde[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Reserva Privada Kandy Kush grow[/FONT] by [FONT=&quot]Ottermunky[/FONT]
G13 Labs Pineapple Express grow by Scottyballs
G13 Labs Pineapple Express grow by Kriznarf



Active Member
For sure. & I have some power issues, I've had some slight power outages.. Thinking about adding sump pumps and res changes to keep my plant alive just irks me.. Perhaps when I have some more plants, a resivor would make sense to me. I have contemplated the hydro farms, but I want to do 2-3 plants in my tent and I don't think I could fit 2 of those hydrofarms in my tent too comfy. I mean - There are times where I will forget to water, for like a 6-7 days.. when I water every 5 usually... I think if that was hydro and I forgot I would be fucked :lol: I feel like the plant can die a lot faster in hydro if you "forget" as I occasionally do. Like---- "Oh yeah... I GROW! Whens the last time I watered that shit then? :lol:"

That's a lot of water! I'd imagine you can attribute some of the excessive amount of water she is drinking to the transpiration. The lower the humidity, the faster the water will move through the plant from the roots to the leaves in order to keep everything from drying out :). Ya got some low arse humidity :lol:!
Yes my humidity is low, but its around 30% when lights off and I upped my nutes like advice and see that the foliage is becoming more darker. I think I can bump it up some more, and be golden. Which would be 1000 ppm, so in the end it drinks and eats.


Well-Known Member
i found some at a garden store, I have maybe 2 hydro shops in my area, and i just don't trust them, Never shopped in them but maybe a little paranoid. Can i just feed with straight water, Im not trying to get it huge just a clone or two every half year or so.

Hydro stores are bull crap...the one closest to me is full of really dumb guys...I mean I get it, you don't see a lot of girls in here, but come on Man! Often times smaller nurseries have some really good products including but not limited to Fox Farms...


Well-Known Member
I have this same strain in veg it free from something or other..can't remember. Anyway it looks really good.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hydro stores are bull crap...the one closest to me is full of really dumb guys...I mean I get it, you don't see a lot of girls in here, but come on Man! Often times smaller nurseries have some really good products including but not limited to Fox Farms...
:lol: i could see how that could be the case in some places... Luckily I don't have that problem. I go to the same store that was the first store in town open back in like 1992. And I've been buying equipment from the same 2-3 dudes since I started growing, and they've hooked up a 15% discount on everything all the time, and a 20-25% total discount during the sale season :). The new employees are really nice too! Not as knowledgeable but will at least admit when they don't know something and ask one of the other guys :).

Yes my humidity is low, but its around 30% when lights off and I upped my nutes like advice and see that the foliage is becoming more darker. I think I can bump it up some more, and be golden. Which would be 1000 ppm, so in the end it drinks and eats.
For sure! Sounds good. Be careful with those nutrients though, wait like 5-7 days before you decide it needs another upping of the dose.. Foliage can take a while to take up the new food and show darker colors! Avoid the burn :)!


Active Member
Hydro stores are bull crap...the one closest to me is full of really dumb guys...I mean I get it, you don't see a lot of girls in here, but come on Man! Often times smaller nurseries have some really good products including but not limited to Fox Farms...
Im not in a medical state and hydro stores here i suspect at best. I bet you have it bad at stores being a woman, guys get real corny when it comes to woman and growing, I guess thinking ultimate fantasy, but reality is just give what i want without the bs, cornball lol. I also find hyrdo stores charge more just for what we do with the equipment.


Active Member
:lol: i could see how that could be the case in some places... Luckily I don't have that problem. I go to the same store that was the first store in town open back in like 1992. And I've been buying equipment from the same 2-3 dudes since I started growing, and they've hooked up a 15% discount on everything all the time, and a 20-25% total discount during the sale season :). The new employees are really nice too! Not as knowledgeable but will at least admit when they don't know something and ask one of the other guys :).

For sure! Sounds good. Be careful with those nutrients though, wait like 5-7 days before you decide it needs another upping of the dose.. Foliage can take a while to take up the new food and show darker colors! Avoid the burn :)!
Thanks I'll wait to see if the nutes will do the job before upping, thanks


Active Member
Some lights on pics, lights off will have to be tomorrow, IMG_1612.jpgIMG_1608.jpgIMG_1609.jpgIMG_1610.jpgIMG_1611.jpg
Day 16 OF 12/12
ppm 900
temp hot at 80 degrees
humidity 20%
thinking i will have another 56 days or so, that will make it 72 days of 12/12, but naturally will look at trics to see when done. Looking for 20 to 30% amber

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
For the long branches, just push them as far out to the sides of the screen as far as you can, with them still poking through the screen :). Should take care of some of your stragglers ;)

Looking healthy though man!


Active Member
For the long branches, just push them as far out to the sides of the screen as far as you can, with them still poking through the screen :). Should take care of some of your stragglers ;)

Looking healthy though man!
Have done and will post lights off pics later
Would like some help deciding on a OG to do next. I have it between Reserva Privada OG #18 or Cali Connection Buddah Tahoe OG? Im looking for a good solid representation of og if possible, with decent yields. PLease help with why or why not. thank you
i ended up going with the reserva privada OG and OG #18...haha had to try both