dont use buckets anymore becuse of the high temp problems I had I use coolers and put frozen gal jugs of water to maintain my temps,I have a access area in the middle to put the jugs in,I only have to switch them out every few days so its not to bad,I tryed to run a 6 bucket system with some square buckets,the kind kitty litter comes in,I insulated the buckets with some 3 inch silver backed insulation and used a cooler for my res but the temp swing was to much for me so I switched to dwc my res is a 150 quart I think? its about 3 feet long and 18 inches wide and about the same deep,I have 8 clones going in it now and im going to see if I can finish them all in there,I dont like to crowd my plants but Im trying out a new system to keep me harvesting a few plants every month on a monthy basis instead of restarting a new crop after every harvest,so far it looks like they are going to be fairly crowded but once I harvest a few that will free up some space for the next batch to go in,not sure if im going to need neting to help hold them up yet or not but im ready for it if i do, allready got one ready to use if i need it