Reservoir pro's and con's


New Member
Got some questions for all..........
A 60 L Reservior....
If you could bury the Res in the ground, would it be better?
With tray on top seems logical, but would the height gain be worth it ??
Do you really have to change solution every week, or can it be just topped up as long as EC,PPM ,PH, TEMP are at correct levels .
its a plastic drum would the ground temp affect my res temp if buried, or can a gap between dirt and tank be sufficent to stop this or even wood ??
Any body with any idea or comments id like to hear em i thought i was a good idea...


Well-Known Member
If you literally buried it in the ground I'd think the ground would keep your res nice and cool. You'd want to maximize the direct earth contact rather than avoid it.


Well-Known Member
If you literally buried it in the ground I'd think the ground would keep your res nice and cool. You'd want to maximize the direct earth contact rather than avoid it.
yep i agree, burying it would be great for temp controll but a bitch to rez change.

run some dutch master zone in it and you can just top off.

not sure what you mean by tray on top? if its buried in ground then why would it be extra height.

if your setting up a outdoor hydro unit i would consider going 2¢

if your hellbent on a hydro unit why not a aero bucket being fed by pump in tank with passive drain.


New Member
yeah not out door, room under house has dirt and crap under thin matting not much of a floor, have large tray on milk crates and res but only 2m head height so was going to bury res for more height easier access, yeah passive drain.