Resetting after ahpids


Well-Known Member
Hey All-

i had aphids come into my flower room mid-cycle last run. Thankfully my moms are kept on a different floor of my house and they’re clean. I completely cleaned out the basement of all plant matter, swept up good and I’m letting the room sit for a while. I’m going to use my wallpaper steamer to steam the shit out of my tent and the surrounding area and a couple deep cleans with bleach.

My issue is I never made a positive ID on the type of aphid I had. I have these photos.

is that an cluster of eggs in the photo?

When I harvested and pulled the root ball up my roots looked perfect. No damage or signs of aphids in the soil.

My understanding is most aphids reproduce via clones and only lay eggs in certain circumstances.

I want to do everything I can to have a aphid free basement for this fall’s run. I am fine with letting it sit empty for as long as needed.

Appreciate any tips or help with an ID on what type I have.
Can’t find solid info on if these guys produce eggs indoors or only reproduce via cloning. All the references to eggs are in outdoor settings and mention eggs in the autumn. I guess time and no plants will take care of any living aphids and the steam should destroy any eggs if there are any.

While the room is sitting empty I’m working on a furnace filter box for my air intake.
Jeez I hope I NEVER run into those things in the house. I have many special valuable houseplants that I would hate to see infected.
Root aphids are the absolute worst next to root mealies...

Look into the beauveria bassiana’s an entomopathogenic soil fungus that colonizes and kills soil pests like root aphids, sold as a wettable powder by botanigard (22wp)
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I'm not a fan of poison but I think in this case with the room being empty for so long I'd hang a couple no pest strips up for a couple days and then air it out just to make myself feel better. Those things kill everything in the room indiscriminately though so you need to be aware of that. I don't ever use them with plants in the room. Just as a room killer after a grow and then I vent the hell out of the room. I hope it works out for you, they scare the crap out of me tbh.
Jeez I hope I NEVER run into those things in the house. I have many special valuable houseplants that I would hate to see infected.
Root aphids are the absolute worst next to root mealies...

Look into the beauveria bassiana’s an entomopathogenic soil fungus that colonizes and kills soil pests like root aphids, sold as a wettable powder by botanigard (22wp)
I recommend Bioceres WP over botanigard. Its uses a different strain of BB, and it doesnt contain petroleum distillates like botanigard. They are roughly the same cost, but you gotta store bioceres somewhere cool to keep the BB alive.
Beneficial nematodes are a good preventative, as well.
scouting my moms last night I found some adult flyers on the underside of the leaves.

can I take cuts, dunk them in sulphur or Tweetmint, then plant into a BB inoculated soil? I don’t want to fight these little fuckers forever so I’m considering just trashing everything. My “must have” mom was passed to a few people so I can get her back.
I recommend Bioceres WP over botanigard. Its uses a different strain of BB, and it doesnt contain petroleum distillates like botanigard. They are roughly the same cost, but you gotta store bioceres somewhere cool to keep the BB alive.
Beneficial nematodes are a good preventative, as well.

There's 3 different types of Botanigard, one is a wettable kaolin clay powder (WP) like Biocres, BotanigardES (emulsifiable suspension) is in a liquid oil suspenension, and Maxx has Permethrin added.
The emulsified mineral oil in ES/Maxx helps spread it, shields it from UV and suffocates eggs. I use the BiceresWP and surfecant with permethrin+azadiractin when in veg.

Permethrin softens the shells and allows the bugs to get infected at a much higher rate.
You have a flower room, so I guess you have a veg room as well...big task ahead.
There's 3 different types of Botanigard, one is a wettable kaolin clay powder (WP) like Biocres, BotanigardES (emulsifiable suspension) is in a liquid oil suspenension, and Maxx has Permethrin added.
The emulsified mineral oil in ES/Maxx helps spread it, shields it from UV and suffocates eggs. I use the BiceresWP and surfecant with permethrin+azadiractin when in veg.

Permethrin softens the shells and allows the bugs to get infected at a much higher rate.
You have a flower room, so I guess you have a veg room as well...big task ahead.
I appreciate your input. Sounds like youve been battling them for a minute. It seems like you can never get full control over them. Curious your thoughts on my question I asked right before you posted about taking dunked cuts and rooting into a BB inoculated soil?
I had them once, that was enough to develop better plan, a rolling IPM program.
You can spend $200+ for multiple treatments, then spend weeks doing dunks, foliar and monitoring till the flower room finishes.
Just when you think they are gone...there's one that shows up in a trap.
Then you still have to spread bugs around to do trimming.


Someone else had the right idea, kill everything, clean/ bag the tent/equipment, add hotshots, spray the room for a few weeks, make sure houseplants don't have them, then put a monitor plant with yellow stickies in the room, see if anything shows up. Takes less time than the above method, just a couple cuttings to treat in quarrantine.
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I use neem oil regularly in veg and on my mommies and never have a problem with root aphids, even though they seem to explode from Canna coco once you water it for the first time. BUT, my buddy let a root aphid problem get out of control and he used Botaniguard with excellent results, I was impressed. You just need to set up a good weekly IPM program because you can't avoid them, they get reintroduced every time you use fresh media it seems like.
I use neem oil regularly in veg and on my mommies and never have a problem with root aphids, even though they seem to explode from Canna coco once you water it for the first time. BUT, my buddy let a root aphid problem get out of control and he used Botaniguard with excellent results, I was impressed. You just need to set up a good weekly IPM program because you can't avoid them, they get reintroduced every time you use fresh media it seems like.
Neem is a great long lasting repellant, keeps the flyers from cirling back and laying eggs. Kills the eggs too.
Flyers go for the yellow sticky pads instead, so those become more effective at stopping wanderers.
Neem is a great long lasting repellant, keeps the flyers from cirling back and laying eggs. Kills the eggs too.
Flyers go for the yellow sticky pads instead, so those become more effective at stopping wanderers.
I love having yellow sticky traps hanging just as an early warning indicator that the aphids are back. Neem is an oldie but goodie, but you have to be consistent with it, or else you won't get good results...and I think a lot of people have a hard time with consistency because of the odor. Also, I never use it as a soil drench (or as a spray, obviously) in flower-if used through veg, there shouldn't be an insect issue in flower though. I heard that people use Botaniguard on bed bugs....if it can kill those, some aphids don't stand a chance lol