Well-Known Member
Hey All-
i had aphids come into my flower room mid-cycle last run. Thankfully my moms are kept on a different floor of my house and they’re clean. I completely cleaned out the basement of all plant matter, swept up good and I’m letting the room sit for a while. I’m going to use my wallpaper steamer to steam the shit out of my tent and the surrounding area and a couple deep cleans with bleach.
My issue is I never made a positive ID on the type of aphid I had. I have these photos.

is that an cluster of eggs in the photo?
When I harvested and pulled the root ball up my roots looked perfect. No damage or signs of aphids in the soil.
My understanding is most aphids reproduce via clones and only lay eggs in certain circumstances.
I want to do everything I can to have a aphid free basement for this fall’s run. I am fine with letting it sit empty for as long as needed.
Appreciate any tips or help with an ID on what type I have.
i had aphids come into my flower room mid-cycle last run. Thankfully my moms are kept on a different floor of my house and they’re clean. I completely cleaned out the basement of all plant matter, swept up good and I’m letting the room sit for a while. I’m going to use my wallpaper steamer to steam the shit out of my tent and the surrounding area and a couple deep cleans with bleach.
My issue is I never made a positive ID on the type of aphid I had. I have these photos.

is that an cluster of eggs in the photo?
When I harvested and pulled the root ball up my roots looked perfect. No damage or signs of aphids in the soil.
My understanding is most aphids reproduce via clones and only lay eggs in certain circumstances.
I want to do everything I can to have a aphid free basement for this fall’s run. I am fine with letting it sit empty for as long as needed.
Appreciate any tips or help with an ID on what type I have.