Resetting timers to combat heat.. Pointers?


Active Member
So now that it's really summer and temps are pushing 100 degrees outdoor, I need to run my lights at night when it's cooler since there is no a/c in my outbuilding.

So going from 6am to 6pm (Yes, the girls are in flower for about a week and a half) I want to change them to a 7pm to 7am schedule.

So before I make any more adjustments I want to ask any input. Currently every morning I go and check on them, I set the timer "on time" back one hour earlier, shorting them a little bit of light. I figure this is better than turning it the other way, and giving them an extra hour of light.

Or this early in flower, should I just make the change in one swoop and give them an extra 10 hours of dark till the lights reset?

What does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
I do the same here. My advise would be to set the timers to come on later, like 10 oclock or so. This way the temps from the heat of the day has time to drop some on it's own, and running till 10 AM is OK cause it doesn't get hot that early. When I set mine for 7-7, the room is still hot in aftyernoon, and when the lights come on it gets hotter and it takes longer to cool down. It always works better for me that way.


Active Member
That's a great idea too. My main concern is not disrupting the flowering with a huge light stress.

I will just keep backing them around until I feel comfortable with the temps.

I also am trying to keep from my neighbors wondering why I am in my outbuilding every night with the lights on. I am legal, and its none of their business, but in the interest of being a good neighbor, I'm trying not to piss anyone off.


Well-Known Member
yeah make the adjustments a few hours at a time or skip your normal light period and they will be fine. i usually split the difference so it only takes 2 days


Well-Known Member takes days of screwing with the lighting to cause any problems. trust me....I've changed my lit hors a bunch, and leaving them on too long, or off too long for 1 day WILL NOT mess them up. It's better to leave em' dark longer though. Just skip the lit hours one day and set it where you want it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, just change it, making sure that u have an extended dark period not an extended light period. the extra hrs of dark wont hurt.