Residue on my leaves?


Well-Known Member
74pu.jpgis this powdery mildew? At first I thought i had an aphid outbreak as they leave a residue on your leaves that looks similar to this, upon inspection i couldnt find any signs of them. I had however found that i had more fungus gnats than usual. All my plants fan leaves from the bottom leaves up to the middle leaves have this "residue." Im really thinking its powdery mildew, just wanted to get some opinions. thanks guys


Active Member
Could possibly be thirps. Do you see any bugs or anything? If it's mold you would be able to wipe it off.


Well-Known Member
Could possibly be thirps. Do you see any bugs or anything? If it's mold you would be able to wipe it off.
it might just be thrips, when I was first checking them out I saw what looked like a very small worm-like bug. When researching I found this in closest relation to a thrip. Could you tell me any products, organic preferred that would kill these little fucks?

I should also note that I just tried a new bag of soil that was FULL of fungus gnats, I can only imagine what else was in there. It was called "Humboldt Earth." I'm very disappointed as I've never had any bug problems with my roots organics other than a fungus gnat here and there. Now I'm battling fungus gnats and god knows what else all because I cut corners :(

I'm also wondering if keep the plants I have now, will the bugs travel to my new soil mixes??? I don't mind resetting just would like to keep some of the phenos I have

I should also note that there are little black spots around the edges of the metallic splotches. At first I thought they were spidermites, upon closer inspection I found they're a residue themselves.


Well-Known Member
The black dots are likely either molting shells, shit, or carcases...if your still in veg you can kill most bugs with a 1/3 rubbing alcohol water mix..spray the leaves to and bottom one by one..wait like five mins, then rinse thoroughly..repeat about twice a careful doing this in flower alcohol dissolves thc glands


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kermit, I appreciate your response. I've been doing some research and I'm 95% sure it's thrips. I went out and got a product called Fertilome. It's active ingredient is spinosad which supposedly stops them in their tracks by shutting down their nervous system. I'm also spraying the top of the soil to get the eggs. If anyone has any opinions on this product feel free to chime in.


Active Member
Yeah those little black dots are the thirps shit. I had a slight thirp problem and a small spider had made it into my garden and sure enough, didn't see any thirps after a few weeks. Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those little black dots are the thirps shit. I had a slight thirp problem and a small spider had made it into my garden and sure enough, didn't see any thirps after a few weeks. Good luck and keep us posted.
thought so.. I ordered some horsetail tea last week as I thought my problem was pm. Hopefully I can get these thrips killed then clean the leaves up. I definitely don't want any residues on my clones. Su, do you have any experience in using spinosad? I've only read good reviews so I'm quite anxious to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Like others said. Those are thrips. They will leave that weird almost metallic trail and that black stuff is their feces. I believe for thirps you want to use spinosad. Do a search for it and you will find tons of info.

If you throw a layer of sand on top of your soil you can help to eliminate the fungus gnats as well.


Active Member
I have the same problem. I've been googling and found some info about residues having some negative effects. Did you use the product in the end?


Well-Known Member
I had outstanding results eradicating thrips using Monterey with spinosad. Spray 3x, 4 to 5 days apart. Make sure you drench every inch of your plants, especially the bottoms of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Optic foliar overgrow is organic, kills bugs and helps with nutrient uptake among other things. Google it up if interested