Resivor temp at just below room temp


Active Member
I've grown a few times now and every time the quality has been by far better than anything around. My only problem I've had both times was powder mildew that I took care of with better ventilation but this is my first hydro system. I'm using the ebb n grow 12 pot system by cap. Along with hydroton and rockwool for my clones. I heard that the resivor should be at 75 deg and to make sure to have a submesable heater so I got one and it ever goes below 75 deg. Then I hear the temp should be cooler more like 66-68 deg. So I turned off the heater and noticed the room temp is 75 deg and the resivor temp is 74-75 never going over but still to high so. Damn I wasted money again and should of bought a chiller ? Sucks there so exspensive so i'm going to see how much damage it will do ? So far I'm seeing the fastest growing ever and couldn't be happer !!! I am using two large air stones in the resivor as well as hygrozyme wich is suposed to protect the roots ? Am I safe or should I spend even more $ on this and get the chiller. To find out I need somthing else ? Is room temps so bad when I'm using air stones and hygrozyme ?

Illegal Smile

75 is ok but you don't want it much higher. If you keep the room temp below 75 you'll be fine. If the green part looks good the under water part is good too! Don't worry.

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
Great question! I have been wondering the same as well. I have seen my res temps go as high as 79F and was freakin out. I have the room ventilated so that the temp fluctuation between lights on and lights off is very minimal (about 6 deg) so after the initial fill the res temps slowly creep to room temp. The room never gets any hotter than 80F ( usually around 77) but all I've read says this is too warm of a res temp, but my plants show no signs of stress and as a matter of fact the roots have grown down the drains and are actually growing (perfectly white) in the res. I have no signs of root rot and plants grow fast and easy. It seems that without a chiller the res would always get to room temp eventually. I guess my question is if it's worth the money to get a chiller (what gains could I expect?) or just go with the if it aint broke don't fix it rule?


Well-Known Member
heated rez temps are for rooting clones in the grow room.

if you already have roots then if i were you i would go ahead with the ice bottles and get it down if you can. you have a buffer zone as far as temps go, but if you're already at 74-75, you're a lot closer to overheating than if you can get it down to 68.


Active Member
Damn resivor temps are hard to keep down. Looks like Im looking for a chiller or somthing. I have a fan blowing over the top of the resivor as well as ice water bottles floating around inside and still I have temps at 76 deg. I'm going to turn on the airconditioner to bring temps down in the room. But the temps in the room are perfect 80 deg. So I'm probly going to need a chiller? The hygrozyme I'm using in the resivor should help with keeping alge and root rot at bay? So far the plants look great so Ill keep what I'm doing. Does anyone have any advise?


Active Member
Damn resivor temps are hard to keep down. Looks like Im looking for a chiller or somthing. I have a fan blowing over the top of the resivor as well as ice water bottles floating around inside and still I have temps at 76 deg. I'm going to turn on the airconditioner to bring temps down in the room. But the temps in the room are perfect 80 deg. So I'm probly going to need a chiller? The hygrozyme I'm using in the resivor should help with keeping alge and root rot at bay? So far the plants look great so Ill keep what I'm doing. Does anyone have any advise?
Try using some fungirid that should give them a bit of protection in the heat until you get your chiller
cheers nods

Illegal Smile

I don't mean to be flip - but I have never checked a res temp.


Active Member
I'm able to keep it 5 deg lower than room temp with just a fan blowing over my resivor opening. Then I fill it up with frozen water bottles especialy while the lights are out. I can't Waite till I get
my mini fridge chiller. It's sweet. !!!