Restarting =(


Well-Known Member
DAMN!! i put hours of work into my guerilla grow that i had found and rejuvinated but now ive realised it wasnt feesible. so im doing myself a favor and having them in my yard. PLEASE dont tell me how ill get busted trust me i have that taken care of. so heres the deal i have 20 15 gallon pots all filled with really good organic potting soil. theyll get almost all day sun except nice evenin shade witch i think they could use. would there be any growing advatage to putting the pots in the ground? waterings not an issue at all anymore:hump:. i have 33 plants that are all about a foot tall. im hopin for 25 females but expecting like 22. could this be close? how long till i can sex them, theyre a foot and have 5 nodes. i just picked up some fish emulsion liquid fert today (5-1-1) gonna start usin that instead. but i dont fert onreally hot days.


Well-Known Member
The plants will grow Bigger in the ground, you can top whenever you want to now... How are your plants arranged I hope there not in rows. Did you scrap using fish for fert?


Well-Known Member
well i dug the holes at the guerilla grow so now i gotta dig 13 more here in the yard and the ground is ahrd as a rok now so its gonna take some pick axin. i dug up the old fish and am gonna use it in the new holes


Well-Known Member
Plants will grow bigger in the ground
If you have them in pots you will have to water more often, but you can move them

Will probably be a while until you can tell the sex