Retarded leaf problem, with picture


Well-Known Member

So i'm noticing an odd issue that I haven't seen before. on all of my plants I have 2 or 3 colas that are closer to the lights than any other. The leaves growing at the tip of the cola (closest to the light) have sort of rounded ends instead of coming to a sharp point. You can see this in the picture. Also, these leaves have very little tri-chome development. The farther down the cola you get, the more tri-chomes and the more normal leaf devlopment. On all other colas that are farther from the light, the leaves are perfect, and the trichome production is insane. has any one else seen this issue before? It's really not a super big deal. It's not affecting much of the cola to be honest, just the end of it. and like I said, only a couple of them per plant. Thanks for any info.




Active Member
Well, it seems that your description pretty much says all there is to know! If this is only happening on the colas that are closest to the lights, then I would say try training these colas to the sides, or whatever you have to do to get them a few more inches away from the light. How close are the effected colas? What size lighting are you using?

Def. an interesting issue that you've got there. I haven't any personal experience with your problem, but I read more than I probably should, and it seems that the issue is localized enough that some trial and error could solve everything for you! Goodluck, and harvest big! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? Are you using any fulvic or humic compounds as supplements? H&G has them already in their nutes, so if you're using them, you may not even know it. The lush green color indicates a high level of nitrogen uptake, and combined with plently of light, could very well be what's going on here. Just my guess.


Well-Known Member
I think the problem actually stemmed from the lights being too close. The ops of the colas that were affected were slightly burned, when I had the lights about 5 inches from the tops of my plants (400W lights, but too close I believe). There was of course a couple colas on each plant that grew longer than any of the others and they got slightly sun burned... ever since then they exhibited this problem, at the end of the colas. But, I have over 30 colas per plant, so not a big deal. And, an inch below the tops of the affected colas look excellent. It's not a problem that I was real concerned about. I mostly just wondered if any one else had seen this before. I'll attach a couple pics of my girls to this post. In general, they are super healthy and kicking ass! :-)


The last couple pics are me (snut) with the girls and my protege/brother with the girls. Check out the happy smiling faces. hahahah.



Active Member
it looks like you need fan circulation right on the tops of all your plants so that the heat dosent directly hit the tops


Well-Known Member
it looks like you need fan circulation right on the tops of all your plants so that the heat dosent directly hit the tops
Yeah, I have one fan that blows across the bottom of the plants. I think you're right. A taller fan to blow across the tops of them would be a good thing. On my way to the store to get one. :-)

Things look pretty darn good to me. Nice room. Are those all 600's or 1000's?
Thanks, glad you like what you see. They are all 400W HPS. The picture shows 4 of them, but I actually have 5 in the flower room. :-) Also, to answer your earlier questions no humic or pulvic compounds. And the strain is White Rhino. A VERY KILLER strain to grow!!!

Thanks everyone for your replies.
