Retarded leaves need help (pics)


Active Member
Actually I have a plant thats leaves looks exactly like that so any help would be good from this thread to ha... Mine are just some bagseeds so I dont know the strain or anything so.


Well-Known Member
I just had one that looked like that, i couldnt look at it anymore so i killed it.o well 7 more to go..but they are beautiful


Well-Known Member
Is any of the new growth deformed like that? If it is some of the problem charts say its a Phosphorus deficentcy.


Well-Known Member
I have the same issue with a few plants, if the leaves have some brown spots should I cut them off they are 20 days old. And I dont want to cut something off that will be ok. But it looks like they are dieing. Ill post pics.


Well-Known Member
OK here are some pics as you can see some are doing better then others. Plants with leaves that are turning brown they are the bottom leaves should I cut them? Leaves that look strange I will not worry about but one of the plants leaves are curving down making the plant look like a small round ball. What is wrong



Active Member
thanks for all the help. new growth is slowly coming out normal. one of my mates had the same prob with a couple of his but they all ended up male and his normal ones turned lady. so its good to see yours joby is a lady and not male. might keep it now, but got clones off my mother plant just incase

:hump: :hump: :hump:


Well-Known Member
if it's green, "let it grow" if you got brown leaves, it could be some desease, cut em b4 it spreads through the whole plant!


Active Member
i have ph meter and it reads 6.4 to 6.9. cant really go wrong with those numbers i thought. all other plants same soil and same ph but no prob.
il put it down to crap genetics but pray for killer bud.


Well-Known Member
I think my PH is messed up because I have red stems, that could be the key to the entire problem.. I really dont think i am over watering because I only water every 3 days and i put my finder an inch down and it was damp, I did add water because its been 3 days.