Retarded leaves need help (pics)

Dutch Master

Active Member
my plant is still very small ind one of the 3 leafers grew straight halfway and crooked the other half. I think this is from not having enough room when it was started and it started growing into the other leaves leaving it deformed. That is my own experience i dont know if it is the same for you though.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is the thing, I know my soil ph and I just found that my ph is ok, I must be over watering, at once every 3 days i thought i would be ok, but the soil is a bit wet an inch down, i guess i should wait untill the soil is dry an inch down because if i dont i can get the roots to grow down and collect at the bottom of the pot or is that what happens when you dont water enough.. My friend is watering everyday and he is doing good.


Well-Known Member
I have had this before, actually I just came out of it...

You have either to much nutes and if your using nute before your 2 weeks of VEG growth has finished then you need to leech your soil. You can tell you are at a state just before nutrient lockout occurs and the only other idea I have if it's not your Nutes, it's a bad PH level. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Ok here is the thing, I know my soil ph and I just found that my ph is ok, I must be over watering, at once every 3 days i thought i would be ok, but the soil is a bit wet an inch down, i guess i should wait untill the soil is dry an inch down because if i dont i can get the roots to grow down and collect at the bottom of the pot or is that what happens when you dont water enough.. My friend is watering everyday and he is doing good.
Water causes a the leafs to cup under and droop. So if thats what they look like then thats your issue. Yes let them dry, they will perk up, and when they start to droop again thats the time you need to water. Get a soil moisture tester at Home Depot, Lowes or Walmart. They are about 5-10 dollars. Also a cheap easy way is to water them till they can't take anymore and then check everyday to how light the pot gets. Maybe even put them on a weight scale and record the wet weight and your prefferd dry weight.

Well-Known Member
try moveing the lights away a bit maybe they are too hot and are trying to vent, i know that they aretoo hot when the tips get long and grow upward

A M Spliff

Active Member
Sometimes the plants growth will exceed its ability to compensate(Plant respiration) resulting in deformed leaves. Too much air movement is as bad as No air movement, slow the fans abit , or add 1 if necessary.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
don't be in such a rush to toss ---the pheno might have the trait in the gene---if you have the space, grow it out and see what happens---you might have a keeper...

Well-Known Member
wait till it drys out, buy a moistour meter it should be around 5-6 everytime it gos to 4 water it a LITTLE BIT and when it goes past 7 wait a while open your windows and let it dry out. (for a meter 1-10) buy one thats only 1-10 and it will say

1 2 3: dry (water it)
4 5 6 7: moise (leave it be)
8 9 10: wet (dont water)


Active Member
looks fine to me ,make sure it has plenty of light get a bulb right over it and also make sure u have the right nutrients . but aslong as u give it plenty of light it will grow well and transform then later those will be bottom leaves which are not worth worrying aboot. the next set of leaves will be far healthier.
use a fluerecent or idealy a 250 hps.

mr man is guessing

dont listen to mr man hes talkin bull , when the leaves are growing upwards it means that the plant is lacking light and is trying to get more. but that said it is not a bad sign it shows health in the plant as apposed to the leaves sagging.


Active Member
the plants genetics are unstable, if your lights to close it will cup up, also how old is that plant? is it a clone? and how long has it been in that tiny pot?



Active Member
dont listen to mr man hes talkin bull , when the leaves are growing upwards it means that the plant is lacking light and is trying to get more. but that said it is not a bad sign it shows health in the plant as apposed to the leaves sagging.


Active Member
dont listen to mr man hes talkin bull , when the leaves are growing upwards it means that the plant is lacking light and is trying to get more. but that said it is not a bad sign it shows health in the plant as apposed to the leaves sagging.

this happens when the lights too close as well, the whole leaves dont grow up when its too close, they look like there rolling themselves up.


Well-Known Member
my plant is regenerating back into a hermie i think, sorry to 'jack' the thread,it just got more attention than mine:blsmoke:


Active Member
my plant is regenerating back into a hermie i think, sorry to 'jack' the thread,it just got more attention than mine:blsmoke:

if this is a reveg, it will spit out funny looking leaves then eventually grow the way its supposed to, the leaves almost look like tomato leaves.


Active Member
my plant has now started to curl leaves upwards to. might drop it down from light a little. but dont worry about deformed growth coz mine is booming along like a train with now brakes. stayin short as, but with nodes like 1cm apart. bloody little ripper il post new pics shortly if anyone interested.peace


Active Member
It looks alot like a plant my friend had. He pinched off the leaf tips as it grew to increase the resin. Althought its only an experimental process.