Returning to Our Roots

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
I never said that Roman Emperors were elected. I'm saying that the Roman Republic fell through its collapse into a Democracy where the people running for Senate and Consul promised and gave the citizens of Rome Bread and promised them Circuses and Festivals to secure their votes, and this lead directly to the collapse of the Roman Republic, and the rise of the Roman Empire under Caesar because he was able to abuse that system to get a Consul Position and become a General. Which lead directly to him crossing the Rubicon with the Tenth.
Ah, you were talking about the Roman Republic, that makes more sense. Rome was a republic for the first half of the Roman civilization; it was an empire for the other half. What threw me off was when you said Rome collapsed because it became more democratic, since this isn't true. The Roman Republic became more democratic, then it became an empire, then it reached its peak of power. So the Roman civilization didn't reach its height of power until well after these events.

It wasn't circuses and festivals either, it was the way the agricultural system was changing. Aristocrats were buying cheap land, then using slaves to work it. This kind of pissed off the plebians, who were the original farmers and had a hard time competing with slave labor, so they used their political power to fight the aristocrats. If anything, it reminds me of the current dilemma in the US with illegal immigrants. ;)


Well-Known Member
Ah, you were talking about the Roman Republic, that makes more sense. Rome was a republic for the first half of the Roman civilization; it was an empire for the other half. What threw me off was when you said Rome collapsed because it became more democratic, since this isn't true. The Roman Republic became more democratic, then it became an empire, then it reached its peak of power. So the Roman civilization didn't reach its height of power until well after these events.

It wasn't circuses and festivals either, it was the way the agricultural system was changing. Aristocrats were buying cheap land, then using slaves to work it. This kind of pissed off the plebians, who were the original farmers and had a hard time competing with slave labor, so they used their political power to fight the aristocrats. If anything, it reminds me of the current dilemma in the US with illegal immigrants. ;)
A permanent 2nd class, and the best way to solve that problem, well, there's either the option of kicking them out, or of giving them citizenship.

I don't think citizenship should be given to people whose first act in this country was to violate its laws.


New Member
A permanent 2nd class, and the best way to solve that problem, well, there's either the option of kicking them out, or of giving them citizenship.

I don't think citizenship should be given to people whose first act in this country was to violate its laws.
wow...that's weird...I agree with TBT......I'm going to feed the cows......:mrgreen: