Reusing Soil


Active Member
Ok so Im on my second grow and when I harvested one I was putting another in to flower but using the same soil,now as usual I learn the hard way and burnt fuck out my babies,heres a fine example:2014-03-12 15.47.59.jpg
My question is,if I properly flushed my girl before harvest,like this2014-03-12 15.51.35.jpgcan the soil be reused?It was seedling soil anyway so never had any nutes from the start-would that explain the explosive growth I encountered when giving my seedlings a very low dose of nutes on my first grow?But yeah,can soil be reused?Im not in a position to move lots of soil around you see,for both ste:joint:alth and physical reasons.Cheers for any replies.Peace

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
If you had an organic "supersoil", yeah you could reconstitute it.
For your use and what you use, No. You'll be better off simply using new.

Put it in the trash when done,,,,,no one's going to test a root ball to find out what it was.....I mean, come on. The garbage man is going to open your bags and look for root balls?


Active Member
Who mentioned root balls?!And even if my back wasnt fucked and I could carry bags of soil,not sure what the security guy on my appartment building would make of me taking sacks of soil in lol.At the end of the day it would just make my life much easier if there was a way I could reuse my soil,but if thats not possible I may look into these hempy buckets...


Well-Known Member
I have two 18 gallon containers of USED super soil mixes from last summer that have been sitting in the yard through the harsh Michigan winter. Soil, generally, will naturally replenish if it is not farmed on too many years in a row, but I think you've gotta let those roots die all the way and ease back into the balance of the soil. I've heard of people baking small batches of soil in the oven, but honestly you will have to inocculate it with some mycos to bring it back to life, and that takes quite a while to restore balance. You have such small batches, that I can't see why the doorman would give one rip about you bringing in a new small bag of potting soil or whatever you choose. I left my soil out in the middle of the yard so it could fill with rain and snow, and hopefully any salt buildup from last summer will dissolve. This is my first time saving soil for a future grow, but conceptually I think it should be fine once the sun bakes it a little after the last frost. Be creative, think of all the crap you had in your soil, plus the dead roots decomposing, and you can figure out a way to either rejeuvenate what you've got carefully, or weigh the option of simply mixing it with your existing trash and bringing in small batches past the doorman.


Well-Known Member
Ive reused soil several times...In fact I haven't bought soil for at least 5 years. Most of the time I rotate it into the yard and cycle it through the outdoor garden. Winters here are harsh so for a I reuse old soil from about october till march. I just give a good flush (5x soil amount). This will push a lot of the salts through...then feed with proper veg nutes...In your situation (fucked back) I would run the hydro...way easy to get rid of grow medium...and way lower maintenance after your dialed in....


Well-Known Member
when i bring soil into my apartment building i either put it in a garbage bag or one of those big plastic bins, its nobodys buisness whats inside them and theres no way for them to tell what it is


Well-Known Member
All soil can for the most part be recycled. It just needs to be amended. If it's full of salts it needs to be leached/flushed. The best thing is to put it outside and let it mellow for amonth that will give it time to leach out the salts. I reuse soil for a year. I read where the weed nerd recycled his soil for a year also.