Revamped 4x4x7 950Watt grow room


Active Member
Ok, so here is my plan B.

Im going to put in a 600 watt HPS up above,
Because Im cropping for 4 cola, and raising 3-4 plants, I believe that plenty of light will get to the outsides of the plants (due to extremely reflective walls, roof, and floor) but I think there will be a dark spot where the plant canopies overlap. (see red area in drawing). I think im going to lower my second cool tube and put it basicly on the floor in the very middle of that low light area so that there will be a light under the canopy. Im thinking of only using a 200 watt bulb in this one. I will also be using liquid light, and rotating the plants 90 degrees every other day.

I feel like this is the best of both worlds, what do you think?



Active Member
The other question I have is im going to let a female seed. If i make another minimal expense room for a male to mature in, then i polinate the female and cover her buds with bags, will the other females in the room be safe? I dont know how readily/persistant the pollen is...


Active Member
Ive used the last few weeks to try and fix holes in my plan. I know have the room completely set up and will be planting seeds within the next two days. Does anyone have ANY last suggestions? +Rep to anyone who can show serious flaws in my plans and/or show ways I can EASILY make it better. I have about 100 dollars (that im willing) to work with left, I dont really want to spend any more money unless its going to significantly, and surely, increase yeild.

Heres the Updated Set up:

The Room
¨ 5X5X7 foot closet
¨ Covered Head to Toe in reflective Garage Door Insulation
¨ One False wall with storage space behind it
¨ One false roof to keep Feet3 down and make electrical work easier
¨ 1 600 watt High Pressure Sodium up above
¨ 1 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium Down Below (shining up)
¨ Liquid Light
¨ Both Lights are In cool tubes
o Each cool tube draws air from my attic (cold), blows it across the lamps, and then exaughsts back into my attic
¨ 1 Oscilating fan
¨ 1 stand alone non oscilating fan
¨ 1 6inch inline fan exaughsting out of the room
¨ 1 passive intake
¨ 2 humidifiers with built in regulators
¨ 2 DIY Carbon Scrubbers
¨ Carbon filter on exaughst
¨ I have a CO2 system set up outside of the room, one hose leads to the room, and then splits into 5 houses so that each plant is supplied CO2 from its own hose hanging from the ceiling
¨ The CO2 kicks on at the beginning of ever EVEN hour (10:00-10:20)
¨ My exaughst fan for the room kicks on at the end of every odd hour (11:40-11:59)
o This keeps heat and CO2 levels from building up too long
¨ 3 gallon smart pots
¨ Typical potting soil
¨ 30-15-15 Miracle-Gro
¨ 5-1-1 Alaska Fish Fertz
¨ 16-8-2 Grow Pro
¨ Root Stimulator
¨ Liquid Light
¨ Carbonated Water
o I know carbonated water is a huge topic for debate, but please, unless you think that its going to HURT my plants, don’t post a bunch of spam and turn this thread into your battle ground
¨ I will be topping the plants
¨ I will be LST any branches that I feel need / could use it
¨ I will NOT be pruning
¨ Everything is set on own timers
o Lights will start off with a 16-8 light cycle
o Humidifiers will run at all times since they self guage
o CO2 will turn on at the beginning of every even hour for 20 minutes
o Ventilation will turn on at the end of every odd hour for 20 minutes
o Odor controls will be running 24/7
o Watering and feeding will be done by me every day (foiler) and every few days (soil)
¨ 5 fem White Widows from Nirvana


Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be way more valuable to take your second light and place it vertically in between the four plants at the same level as them. Place the 600 watt as close to them on the top and move the plants closely together towards the vertical one in the middle. Assuming heat is under control this will be far more benefical as you will be losing so many lumens if you place it on the floor


Active Member
Ok, I think im going to have the lower light suspended by chains that will let it hang right in the middle of the plants and be raised as the plants grow.
Thanks for the advice