I am not a part of the GOP nor right wing politics and I dont really care whether they believe I am rich or not and/or what they think of it.
In starting my own business I have gone from 25+ per hour to 50+ per hour. Not sure how much smarter it gets.
My political beliefs center on getting government as much out of my life as possible. Making it smaller and less intrusive and making it cost a hell of a lot less. If you havent been paying attention, neither the Republican nor Democratic party has any interest in that. They are both solidly in favor of increasing the size of government and the level of meddling they want to do to our lives.
I am not sure why you keep promoting it, I have to blame it on the liberal media and brainwashing. Most business owners have a better understanding of capitalism and business.
If I really was right wing GOP, why do you think I wouldnt be solidly behind Cruz?