Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y’s income

This is the part that continually baffles me. The Republicans have tricked all of these broke ass bastards into arguing against policies that will NEVER affect them. Don't have two nickels to rub together, but they're out there railing against a "death tax",among other things. When they die, they ain't leaving their kids nothing but alone.
Its all about fairness to the the GOP base.

Trump and Kochs are laughing.
Clearly, you are not describing yourself. That wealthy bit, anyway. So, don't worry, you don't make enough to meet the new tax schedules that Bernie will implement.

Tax policy is set by congress and the senate, not the president. You talk about the authoritarian right with one side of your mouth and then talk about what bernie plans to 'implement' out of the other side.

I guess you dont mind authoritarianism when it is your ideology.
Clearly, you are not describing yourself. That wealthy bit, anyway. So, don't worry, you don't make enough to meet the new tax schedules that Bernie will implement.

2 jobs in a week and I would be surviving. 3 jobs in a week and I hit 50K a year. 4 jobs a week puts me at 70K. 8 jobs at 140K.

I have been in business approximately one month and I have 2 jobs tomorrow.

His new tax schedules certainly worry me....
Tax policy is set by congress and the senate, not the president. You talk about the authoritarian right with one side of your mouth and then talk about what bernie plans to 'implement' out of the other side.

I guess you dont mind authoritarianism when it is your ideology.
Of course it's give and take with Congress and of course congress writes the laws. Every year the president puts out his budget plan and every year congress makes it dead on arrival. Then give and take negotiation takes place.

That is, unless Trump gets in. The new authoritarian right doesn't understand negotiation and compromise. You don't either. I think that face on your avatar is growing a teensy little mustache.

Reminds me of a trope from the movie Iron Sky:
The two Nazi pilots browsing a modern porn magazine and discussing the contents in German.
Pilot 1: Look at this; no hair here... or here...
Pilot 2: They look like little girls.
Pilot 1: And when they do have hair, it looks like this.
Pilot 2: Like our beloved Führer's mustache!
(cue snickering from both)
2 jobs in a week and I would be surviving. 3 jobs in a week and I hit 50K a year. 4 jobs a week puts me at 70K. 8 jobs at 140K.

I have been in business approximately one month and I have 2 jobs tomorrow.

His new tax schedules certainly worry me....
Isn't this where somebody from the right would say you should be working smarter and not harder?

I'm not dissing you for your hard work or your attempt at starting a business. I respect all of that. I don't respect your political beliefs or ignorance regarding right wing politics that use you as a tool yet deny you the simple act of respect for your hard work. They say you are a failure for not being rich. I don't.
Isn't this where somebody from the right would say you should be working smarter and not harder?

I'm not dissing you for your hard work or your attempt at starting a business. I respect all of that. I don't respect your political beliefs or ignorance regarding right wing politics that use you as a tool yet deny you the simple act of respect for your hard work. They say you are a failure for not being rich. I don't.

I am not a part of the GOP nor right wing politics and I dont really care whether they believe I am rich or not and/or what they think of it.

In starting my own business I have gone from 25+ per hour to 50+ per hour. Not sure how much smarter it gets.

My political beliefs center on getting government as much out of my life as possible. Making it smaller and less intrusive and making it cost a hell of a lot less. If you havent been paying attention, neither the Republican nor Democratic party has any interest in that. They are both solidly in favor of increasing the size of government and the level of meddling they want to do to our lives.

I am not sure why you keep promoting it, I have to blame it on the liberal media and brainwashing. Most business owners have a better understanding of capitalism and business.

If I really was right wing GOP, why do you think I wouldnt be solidly behind Cruz?
I am not a part of the GOP nor right wing politics and I dont really care whether they believe I am rich or not and/or what they think of it.

In starting my own business I have gone from 25+ per hour to 50+ per hour. Not sure how much smarter it gets.

My political beliefs center on getting government as much out of my life as possible. Making it smaller and less intrusive and making it cost a hell of a lot less. If you havent been paying attention, neither the Republican nor Democratic party has any interest in that. They are both solidly in favor of increasing the size of government and the level of meddling they want to do to our lives.

I am not sure why you keep promoting it, I have to blame it on the liberal media and brainwashing. Most business owners have a better understanding of capitalism and business.

If I really was right wing GOP, why do you think I wouldnt be solidly behind Cruz?
You realize that without ant-trust laws on the books and "intrusive" regulators enforcing those laws, your attempt at a new business could easily get squashed by a larger competitor?

You have no idea of capitalism and business if you think that the problem with entrepreneurship in this country is government regulation. Small businesses like yours are expanding in this country today -- the most important area of job growth too. So much for the idea that government is holding the small guy down.

Again, unless you make north of $100k your tax bill will not be affected in a meaningful way. Even then, the tax bite proposed by Sanders wouldn't change the lives of the wealthy one bit.

And you must know that unfunded tax cuts are just deferred tax increases. Your right wing politicians (and yes, you are a right wing republican even it you can't admit it), all profess a desire for more of those deferred tax increases. Only Democrats have balanced the budget or reduced the deficit over the past 50 years or so. Your support for Cruz or Trump is for more taxes later, much higher than would take effect if they actually payed more than lip service to fiscal restraint.
You realize that without ant-trust laws on the books and "intrusive" regulators enforcing those laws, your attempt at a new business could easily get squashed by a larger competitor?

Businesses compete by finding a nice to provide services that their competitors do not or cannot provide. Government inhibits small business, it does not encourage it.

You have no idea of capitalism and business if you think that the problem with entrepreneurship in this country is government regulation. Small businesses like yours are expanding in this country today -- the most important area of job growth too. So much for the idea that government is holding the small guy down.

Your argument only holds water if you dont look at the rate of small business growth. It has been dismal under Obama and government regulation had a lot to do with that in addition to saddling business owners with the health care of all of their workers.

Again, unless you make north of $100k your tax bill will not be affected in a meaningful way. Even then, the tax bite proposed by Sanders wouldn't change the lives of the wealthy one bit.

It isnt just about me. A rich person paying higher taxes has less money to spend.

And you must know that unfunded tax cuts are just deferred tax increases. Your right wing politicians (and yes, you are a right wing republican even it you can't admit it), all profess a desire for more of those deferred tax increases. Only Democrats have balanced the budget or reduced the deficit over the past 50 years or so. Your support for Cruz or Trump is for more taxes later, much higher than would take effect if they actually payed more than lip service to fiscal restraint.

How about the government cut spending? A novel idea, I know!!!

Neither side has reduced the debt. They are playing games with accounting to make you feel better but every year we owe more money. Every single year without fail. Even through the Clinton years. They pulled money out of one pocket and put it in another and called it income and even though the debt increased you felt better.

I am not on a side, I already explained that to you. You are the one putting people on sides and attacking them for everything on that side. I have figured out the game. I am on the sidelines watching both sides make idiots of themselves and trying to explain to you why you should be on the sidelines.
2 jobs in a week and I would be surviving. 3 jobs in a week and I hit 50K a year. 4 jobs a week puts me at 70K. 8 jobs at 140K.

I have been in business approximately one month and I have 2 jobs tomorrow.

His new tax schedules certainly worry me....

you say this but you have to borrow money just to pay for your hot pockets you fucking loser.
My political beliefs center on getting government as much out of my life as possible. Making it smaller and less intrusive and making it cost a hell of a lot less.....

If I really was right wing GOP, why do you think I wouldnt be solidly behind Cruz?

That's exactly the credo GOP folks like Cruz embrace. Same with Rand Paul, Carson, Kasich, Christie, Fiorina, Rubio, etc. even Trump.

Can you imagine the uproar if these posting kids had a business and had to give up part of their precious income to pay taxes and fees imposed by local, state and federal govts! OMG!!!!!

I cringe every time I have to cut a check or fill out a record to pay mandated taxes to a group of people I know will waste 80% of it. There are work arounds of course, loop holes, and a smart business man will use everything at their disposal to beat these economic nazis the first being to not report all of their income.