ReVeg after Harvest


Well-Known Member
I harvested some very nice smoke & I wanted to try to reveg the girl. I left some small buds on & a few leaves. I have it in its own case with a 100w CFL on 24 hours.

Its been on there for a bit more than a week & I haven't seen any change other than the foliage that was left over seems to be shriveling a bit. I dont think I see any new growth.

Anyone have any experience with this? How long till I should see some new shoots coming out of the stalk?

Advice would be nice.


Well-Known Member
I heard it can take up to a month with no new growth but you have to feed high levels of N after flushing away all P and leave lights on 24 until new growth is seen.


Well-Known Member
I used MIracle Grow (I know.. I know) as soil. Its still in that. I have since bought some nice soil from the head shop. Should I flush her now & replant her into the new soil? I was afraid that the shock of replanting might kill her (I assume she's pretty stressed about getting 95% chopped down..I wouldn't like it)

The new soil has minimal nuiets so I could start from there & just fert with the proper stuff.

ANy opinions?


Well-Known Member
I read that it can take up to 3 months to regenerate, mostly quicker though, the more green foliage left on the better and a high nitrogen diet and 24/7 light as SBS suggested...


Well-Known Member
I used MIracle Grow (I know.. I know) as soil. Its still in that. I have since bought some nice soil from the head shop. Should I flush her now & replant her into the new soil? I was afraid that the shock of replanting might kill her (I assume she's pretty stressed about getting 95% chopped down..I wouldn't like it)

The new soil has minimal nuiets so I could start from there & just fert with the proper stuff.

ANy opinions?
cant say i have ever tried what you intend doing but I can imagine that would be the worst thing you could to her now, just my opinion...


Well-Known Member
yea dont transplant, just flush all the P out with luke warm water and then when soil dries you refert with high N. you are supposed to leave some green foliage though to help hold nutrients and whatnot. you also flush with 1 gal per gal of soil. got some pics?


Well-Known Member
Gonna try to zip home over lunch & take some. Kids are at school, wifeys home..

Hmmm... Afternoon delight?

Laugh.. not with MY wife!

I don't understand Viagra. Would most guys not agree that the problem isn't with the plumbing.. Its with the wife saying no :)


Well-Known Member
The reason I was thinking transplant is because Miracle Grow has those time release balls. If I flush it won't that just put MORE into the soil as those little balls deteriorate?

Just my thinking


Well-Known Member
The reason I was thinking transplant is because Miracle Grow has those time release balls. If I flush it won't that just put MORE into the soil as those little balls deteriorate?

Just my thinking
Surely most of it will be used up by now, if so you are past the point of return so to speak......


Well-Known Member
gonna try to zip home over lunch & take some. Kids are at school, wifeys home..

Hmmm... Afternoon delight?

Laugh.. Not with my wife!

I don't understand viagra. Would most guys not agree that the problem isn't with the plumbing.. Its with the wife saying no :)
wtf? Lmfao


Well-Known Member
It will take about 3-4 weeks until you see new growth, stick it out it will be worth it :) leave her in veg until you get 3 blade leaves them flower her again

dont bother feeding her until you get some new growth either

patience ;)


Well-Known Member
Well lets hope we can get back on topic. :)

Here are pictures of what Im trying to do (with the plant. Not my wife.. are we clear on the wife part??)

And for the record it was REALLY good stuff.. This is why I'm trying to re-veg.



Well-Known Member
Well I flushed her carcass & I'm just going to leave her in the corner in a small cabinet & see what happens. One CFL sitting there & I might get a nice Christmas surprise :)