Revegetate Help PLease!!!!!


Active Member
Does anyone know if it possible to reveg your plants after harvest. I just harvested my crop and i trimmed them down to about 12" to 18" they have all the lower branches on them. then turned them back on 18hr of light. what should i do next?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it works, takes about a month though. Last time I did it I tried trimming the bottom 1/4 of the roots, kind of like when you transplant a plant that is rootbount in hopes it would stimulate new growth and fresher roots. No idea if it worked but didn't seem to hurt it, would test it more but dont reveg often. Eitherway know the root system is very sensitive since its so large and plant is suddenly so small, so don't overwatter or nute. I usually only give them super plant tonic by BMO and superthrive


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it myself, but looked into it before and it was recommended to leave a few small buds on the plant, because that's where the new growth will start. Aside from that, I understood that you put them back on 18/6+ and they'll go back to vegging. :)

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I've re-vegged a few times. I trim branches back to two nodes. I usually only regrow my plants once before I bin them. I hate killing my plants at the end of a great crop. Its nice to see your babies come back from the dead, they start to grow like crazy after about three weeks. The "popcorn" the new branches come from look kinda dirty but it doesn't affect the plant at all.


Active Member
i left most of the lower branches that where pretty small. the ones that had 2" or smaller buds on them. what will happen to the bud that i left on there do when it starts to reveg?
it just stays moist and will stay there forever. you can pick them after new veg has taken off. make sure its really growing first though. light nutes and you should be fine.


Active Member
i used a flush for there last week should i hit them with some nute right a way or let them mellow out a little they where pretty damp when i harvested