Revegging plant?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
thats called foxtailing, it happens with sativa or sativa dominant plants, whilst outside. are you trying to reveg?


Well-Known Member
Sorry I misread your statement and thought you where trying to reveg. My bad let my first statement fall on deaf eyes. I agree with go go kid it’s just fox tailing usually a result of heat or unsavory environment

go go kid

Well-Known Member
to my eye, thats foxtailing you have there, it happens to sativas or sativa dominent strains. if there growing outside anyway.


Well-Known Member
I told you last night they weren’t revegging. Now you’re being told again by others. How many days before you post again asking the same question? Or how can we end this today?
I told you last night they weren’t revegging. Now you’re being told again by others. How many days before you post again asking the same question? Or how can we end this today?
I have been worried about plant as been told by quite a few people from other site revegging and they seem positive,
sorry I suppose I am looking for more reassurance,hopefully picked out bud rot.