reveging plants is reveg worth it


Well-Known Member
thanks rikinstien will try that sounds good was wondering what i was going to do with the bud sites so should i just slice em all off with scalpol or just cut into the buds?
I just use my pruners and cut them off...and you'll have to watch the center of it all, it will try to get out of control, that's where I get my clones from is the center :weed:....and here's a pic of the first one I reveged (it was my experiment) when it went in it was a nub about 6 inches with some shaggy looking fluff on the tip...LMFAO...and turned into this in 2-1/2 months, including the 3 weeks in been in flower :clap:


Well-Known Member
Despite all the negitive answers, I do this all the time (now) and yes I get crazy branches and yes more bud off of it because there's more branches and it's just as good as the first round..........NOTE: I have found that if I clip the small popcorn buds that I left behind about 2 weeks into reveg, it goes into overdrive and each location where the budlet used to be is now about 4 to 5 branches, and super crops itself with very little training...good luck...
Thanks for the tip. Going to have to try it. I have reveged a plant I liked, but never flowered it again. I would take clones then ditch the plant, but after reading the posts by RIKNSTEIN, I may have to experiment and flower one out. One thing though, you can see some strange looking plant growth for the first couple of weeks before the plant seems to straighten out and grow right again.

Native Humboldt

Well-Known Member
I have 3 girl scouts in re-veg right now. Its been 3 weeks and I'm seeing signs of the transformation back to veg. I hope to take a clone off as soon as there large enough. Its the 1st time I've tried to re-veg my girls. I happen to get some extreme genetics on this last grow and would love to save them. In fact I'm heading out right now to chop the remaining few. I'll post a picture of my favorite scout it looks very different from the other 4 fem seeds might not even be a scout at all. Going on day 65 the others were finished at 50 days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip. Going to have to try it. I have reveged a plant I liked, but never flowered it again. I would take clones then ditch the plant, but after reading the posts by RIKNSTEIN, I may have to experiment and flower one out. One thing though, you can see some strange looking plant growth for the first couple of weeks before the plant seems to straighten out and grow right again.
Oh yeah...I had some 6inch long single fingered leaves :o looked more like my ficus it straightened out pretty quickly...but also keep in mind this was a recent experiment and was only under 230w of CFLs (10 bulbs @ 23w) and located as close as possible all the way around and easy :hump:.....and scott, I got 7oz off her dried & curing now
7 oz 230 w cfl wow id be happy with half that with my 600w hps, im just learning and espect ill be aiming higher in the future


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight lol. You take a plant to maturity and harvest all of the big viable buds then throw it back under veg lighting and start all over? Why the heck is not everyone doing this? We're talking perpetual harvest right, like a zombie plant? FYI Im not doubting, just really interested. Is pineapple express a reg or an auto?
hi waterdawg ive heard of this and wanted to try it out so am trying it heard you can get real monsters,

the reason everyone doesnt do it is because it takes the same time or longer than to clone and a little more work, i guy told me he did this twice but didnt attempt a third time as he had to chop about 500 bud sites like you said a sort of zombie plant
heres a pic of reveg taking place no single leaf looks to be braching strait away leaves are only slightly deformed not serated not quite what i was exspecting better i suposebag 2344.jpgbag 2345.jpg


Well-Known Member
If the plant is exceptional and worth keeping rvegging is worth it.

And the the person who asked why everyone isn't doing this, it's because revegging takes a very long time. If you had a clone and veg that the same time as your reveg the clone would be bigger. Reveg is good to save a special plant that you didn't clone.


Well-Known Member
I havnt found the perfect plant to clone yet but still looking lol. I may try to get a couple to self seed as well near the end of my indoor run which is around june as temps get to hot to deal with. but sounds like a good backup if like said a cup winner with no clones. Just got 4 seeds given to me that are supposedly blue elephant so we'll see what they become lol.


Well-Known Member
Waterdawg wrote: I may try to get a couple to self seed as well near the end of my indoor run
Hi Waterdawg,
Remember that it takes awhile for seeds to grow and mature, so if you wait till the end of the grow...the seeds will be immature.


Well-Known Member
When you reveg they will grow back with many worthless shoots that need thinning out depending on how much bud you left on it
each one of the main thicker shoots that starts to regrow/reveg could be grown out into the main stem of the plant
it will side branch etc so i find it is best to remove all the weaker thinner growth, this ensure the colas on the second harvest a fat like the first

thanks skunkdoc i will try this as they grow,

left about 30 lil buds on 1 plant 9 on another and 3 on

guessing less is better so far?


New Member
I have tried it and it does work pretty quickly if you leave a fair few small buds on when you its these budsites that will transform back into leafsites once you extend the light beyond 12/ back to 24/0, 20/4 or 18/6 whichever you prefer to use for veg......its great if you want to bring a plant 'back to life' so you can take cuttings from it after a successful harvest....also great if you cannot afford fresh seeds lets say....or you havent got time to start again.....I have read that inevitably the genetics will deteriorate but ive heard of people getting 4 or 5 crops off a 'root stock' fast it recovers usually depends on how big the roots are.....i always grow mine in 18L or 5 gallon pots as this gives a massive yield.......the old fashioned saying which applies to nearly ALL plants not just cannabis is " ROOTS = FRUITS" the bigger the pots you start in the better