reverse movie storylines


Well-Known Member
so recently just heard about this author that won a hugo award for her novel which was just basically reverse harry potter.

a magician grows up in a magical family but is forced to go to a non magical school.

just got me thinking what other movies would be just as good in reverse.

fight club. a person with really bad split personality disorder decides to stop fighting and gets a really good office job.

benjamin button. a man is born, ages normally then dies lol

anyone else think of any good ones


Well-Known Member
lord of the rings. a hobbit finds a ring in a volcano then spends 3 movies walking home lol


Well-Known Member
rise of the planet of the apes. apes come out of the forest and run riot in the city until a scientist befriends one of them, does tests on him and creates a serum that makes them stupid and everything returns to normal


Well-Known Member
Whats up cn?!......Dexter, a guy who fishes body parts out of the ocean and then puts them back together creating life


Active Member
Terminator - After a nuclear war a guy arrives from the past telling John Connor to invent a time machine so he can send a shitty actor back in time to fuck his mum so he can be born and not stop the war.


Well-Known Member
There was a story from Wayside School Stories that was written backwards. I red the first couple paragraphs so many times thinking I was going mad.


Well-Known Member
28 days later. The world is overrun with zombies but the government creates a virus which cures everyone