Review on em1 mricrobiology

looks like i am going to be cleaning out my 5 gallon glass carboy and my hard cider airlock.
should i cover the glass to prevent light? of course right?
how bad does this smell? i have a wife who isn't as ummm enthusiastic about microbes as i am.

If it's sealed with an air lock you won't smell anything. Otherwise it stinks very sour. Once you activate it it will just smell sweet. It won't smell nearly as pungent either.

Keep it in a dark place. I keep all my ferments in another bathroom that never gets used. I leave the light off and keep the door partly open.
Tibicos makes the quickest easiest Lab. Stop paying for crap brewed in a different environment and sent through the mail. These bottle sellers talk about recharging their product only once before it changes. Why don't you post some scientific data on that, microbe dudes... The shit NEEDS to adapt to your environment/feeds.

Buy some Tibicos, takes about 3 days to adjust, then you're yielding Lab every 2-3 days, indefinitely.