RG's First grow ( DR 150 , 400w , Aeroponic)


Active Member
Well i said screw Hygrozyme , I dont like it it caused me major ph swings and i didnt like the color or feel of the water in the res. I dumped the res after comming back from my local hydro shop and picked up some 30 % H2o2 and put that in plus my lucas formula and w-8 budding nutes and dyna protekt. I ph tested it and it was 5.4 ish i let it sit for 30 mins and it didnt change and i tossed my girls back in.

Just took some pics before the lights are about to go out , im so excited to see in what ball park ill yeild i have no idea.



Active Member
Ok so its been 37 days into Flowering , i have two 125w CFL lights running down the side and one 26w CFL hanging over the tops of the two Green Crack Teens i added in about 10 days ago or so.

All plants seem to be going good, they are leaning more and puting pressure on the Resivoir bucket and the net cps were lifting out. I was scared it coudl cause them to fall thru the hole lip they rest in. So to take pressure off the plants leaning i made a wedge out of cardbord and jamed it against the leaning side of the plant. Then used duct tape to secure it in that position. So th plant leans higher up on the cardbord now instead od freely leaning off to the side as much as it wants. I did this to two plants and everything seems nice and stable.

Beyond that the Green Cracks look nice, i was sketched out on taking care of them because i didnt research anything about soil. I just mixed up Lucas formula and flowering additivs i use in my Aeroponic unit and it works great in soil so far :)

Ill attach some pics of flowers and new lights



Active Member
Changed out the resivoir today i went almost 2 weeks with out changing it and just adding back nutes and water to keep the PPM in check. When i took them out i notcied the lower roots were a a light creamy brown color. I think this is beacuse i went so long with out changing the water. So i let them hang for a while in the O2 and added in bunch of fresh hydrogren peroxide.

I think i have about 20 days left , what does anyone else think ? Should i be worried about the ammount of yellowing happening this early ?

Oh and a small bud fell off i put it in the microwave and smoked it haha , it got me high :P



Active Member
Well its all going good, the buds are getting to heavy and causing the plants and net cups to lift out of the aeroponic. I fixed this by using clothes hangers , string and straws lol. Worked well tho !

I will prolly cut them down in 2 weeks i havent decided how long i will flush for.

Any suggestions anyone ? ive read posts for and against flushing , i see reason in both so maybe i wont flush a full two weeks and only one week.

