Well-Known Member
Thank you for the message and the detailed advice & links.Its ok for DAYTIME, or LIGHTS ON, but when those lights go out, you should be dropping it to 40-45%. Humidity and Temp work in conjunction with light andor spectrum to get photosynthesis rolling along. At night, no photosynthesis takes place, and mold likes darkness and humidity. So, if you possibly can, get that humidity down at night.
Inkbird sells a great monitor super cheap that will turn off and on to a certain humidity or temp for a heater.
Daytime, 65% isnt even bad, but temp should be 80+ F.. ( follow VPD Chart, and when you see your leafs Pray, write those numbers down, and that is your target ratio for temp/humidity.
another great, cheap tool to have is a Temp/Humidity/ DEWPOINT alert. the Zon has them for like $11
It has a "Mold Alert" that takes into effect the temp?humidity ratio, and the most likelyhood a great environment for mold to grow.
The Zon also has a decent dehumidifier for $80, up too 1.5 pints a day, and only uses like 60watts, which is awesome. Even if you got 2, for using 120 watts vs, the 250+watts the bigger ones use,..

I will definitely be researching and buying. I like the sound of the Zon dehumidifiers. And such low wattage. I have not heard of the VPD chart. Again, I shall research and follow.
Grow Well