Rhythm's AeroGarden Grow


Active Member
For the complete newbie, like me, who has no experience what-so-ever with growing anything, I'm going to take this step-by-step.

Today I have ordered the AeroGarden PRO200 from the AeroGarden website. I couldn't find/tell any difference between the PRO200 and the Deluxe, besides the price, so I went for the cheaper one, the PRO200.

I have also ordered 10 seeds from Nirvana Shop, called ICE. I chose these because they are supposed to grow indoors and have a high THC level. Time will tell if these were the best choice for my first grow.


Active Member
I am eagerly awaiting for my AeroGarden and seeds to arrive, but that probably won't happen until next week. AeroGarden called to confirm my order today.

Until then, I'm going to get everything prepared so I can start to grow immediately.

For feeding and nutrients and such, I'm going to use the FoxFarms lineup, as recommended by other AeroGarden grows.

The lineup includes: Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz and Cha Ching. Depending on the price at the local hydroponics store, I may just opt to get Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Does anyone strongly urge me to get them all?

There is a good hydro feeding schedule at http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/hydrofeed.pdf . However, I will be cutting the dosage, as suggested by other AeroGarden growers. For the first week, I will use 1/4, second 1/2 and third, full dosage. That seems to ease the plant into the nutrients and not get burned.

Right now, I'm concerned about the possible smell/odor that might come from the plant. I'll be growing in a small closet with two doors that swing open towards you. The approx size is 46" wide, 22.5" deep and 80+" tall. The closet is also located right by the main entrance, and while things should be concealed, I don't want people smelling anything. There is no AC duct in or near the closet and no power, so I'll be running an extension cord under the door. I keep my place around 74 degrees, so I'm hoping heat won't be a problem.

Would a grow tent be a wise investment? I'm looking at something like this, High Tech Garden Supply (36x20x64), as that fits the size of my closet.


Well-Known Member
Your closet is about the same size as mine that i am going to use, if you have the room it would probably be a good idea to get the tent, what kind of lights are you going to add to the AG? i dont temps should be a prob with jus CFL's


Active Member
I am in actually the same exact boat as you rhythm... except I just ordered mine so i am a month behind you... and i will use some good bag seeds.

I am also worried about smell, but I know it shouldnt be a big issue for a while...

how is everything coming????


Active Member
No, I'm back and I see the responses for this thread.

It turns out that I obtained some high quality marijuana and smoked it -- for a few days. It did not help with my headaches, as that's the ONLY reason why I wanted anything to do with marijuana in the first place.

So, since it did and does not help, I called AeroGarden and got them to cancel my order, which they did.
I got my seeds and simply flushed them down the toilet. (I know, sorry)

I've been to the hospital emergency room several times since my last post, due to horrible headaches and I've been on prescription pain medication since then. Last week I was diagnosed with "cluster headaches" and given some new medicine (steroids, etc.) and that medicine has worked wonderfully.

Although I have no use for marijuana, I'm still a supporter for its legalization. Especially if it helps people medically!
Best of luck in your endeavors!
any advice for using a garden of ease & 250 HPS from discount-hydro.com in a closet 24X44' foiled and HPS is about 66' from floor? cfl,s (2) for seedling and vege stages until 4th-6th node or 12-14" tall them induce flowering with 12/12 HPS