Rick simpson oil - is curing nessacary?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm in a hurry to make my rso and my plant has been hangin for 4 days and I plan on letting it dry about a week. But would the curing process be nessacary? Will it affect potency if I don't cure? Thanks
just read this thing saying even cured weed still has 15% moisture content and the first step towards most processing stages (hash oil, alcohol infusion, cooking) is to decarboxylate herb at 200F for 15 minutes and then to freeze it in glass jars to remove absolutely all moisture.
just read this thing saying even cured weed still has 15% moisture content and the first step towards most processing stages (hash oil, alcohol infusion, cooking) is to decarboxylate herb at 200F for 15 minutes and then to freeze it in glass jars to remove absolutely all moisture.

So put mason jar in oven at 200 for 15.. then do a freeze for about a day or so. then it should be g2g?
So put mason jar in oven at 200 for 15.. then do a freeze for about a day or so. then it should be g2g?
Only one source I've seen recommends decarboxylation. I'm going to try it with regular cured weed and decarboxylated weed to see what is better for alcohol extraction purposes.
Maybe just dry it and then freeze it, then it's g2g.
You do not decarb RSO before making the extraction. It decarbs while you are cooking it in the rice cooker. I use cured bud but you don't need to. Get it bone dry then freeze, extract, cook.
Is it necessary to cure weed? I'm drying my Buddha passion for 3days and wanted to find a quick way to finish it off without potency loss..??
You do not need to. There is a thread in the concetrates section about fresh frozen. I think it is a little trickier to extract the goodies without the plants matter when fresh.
Do you have the link.. i have more drying right now and it would be nice if i could use it for oil.... i used one plant already and mixed it with a high thc plant and got way to high and it was not enjoyable so im looking forard to this 1:1 critical mass and not getting high and by high i mean HIGH