Right wing nuts worldwide.

If i could id like to request the ratcheting to the right of American policies due to not having a left party...
I don’t think the lack of left party is a cause/reason by itself. The dems have a left wing, a separate party or a far more left version of the dems would not have as much success against the far worse evil, the republicans. But then again, it’s a matter of perspective. Just as we consider US reps and dems be on the right, they can look at us and conclude we have (aside from far-right) no real right wing anymore. Definitely true in my case.

It’s above all a cultural thing. A possibly more accurate statement would be they only have, well perhaps had, conservative parties. Worse, only christian conservative parties. America still sometimes acts like it missed out on the age of enlightenment. They had one themselves but not quite the same. American culture is still characterized by freedom of religion, start your own version of the church in a new settlement or centuries later in a shopping mall. While here, like France, and thus indirectly also thanks to the US, it’s more about freedom from religious influences and protecting the individual believer/nonbeliever. You get to pray and wear your religious symbols but you don’t get to shove your believes down the throat of others. Especially not by new laws and policies. I’m sure we still have aftermath of religious influences to deal with ourselves, but even suggesting policies against equality out of a religious motivation is heavily frowned upon by all sides.

That’s a key difference between your and our european ‘liberal conservatives’ and the conservatives in the US, the former is usually for more social equality, the latter treats it like it’s the end of the world.

The whole discussions about drag queens and lgbt+ is a good, well, horrible, example right now, as bad as the abortion nonsense, all extremely conservative and foreign to me. I’d have to go back to… heck before I was born to get that vibe, or just visit some christian cunt farmer village... Our most recent update of our constitution, just approved earlier this year, article 1 (no discrimination ), adds “sexual orientation“.

Obama was great, but, I read this long piece about his ideas about gay marriage changing over the years (took quite a few years), and like many other examples it reminds me a lot of how people were shedding their conservative christian prejudices inherited from their still jesus-believing parents like we did here 2-3 generations ago. Much of the debate and news and ’action’ amplified in the US right now is what I think and hope the final convulsions of a dying conservative batshit religious right. The worry is a cornered cat makes strange jumps, like voting for a Trump and storming capitols or giving up on reason entirely.

The reason they don’t have a great welfare system, a clear sign of missing left, is partly if not largely racism. It would help black people more than white, which white turn around to suggesting it would be bad for them. I’m convinced we’d have to at least some extend a similar situation in NL if it weren’t for one historical difference: we held and left most of our slaves on distant colonies. Some still part of NL, but until recently didn’t get the same amount of welfare and government (child/unemployment/etc) support. America is where colonists and slaves ended up living together and not just in liberal cities. Their politics can’t be mapped easily to ours so things are always a lot more nuanced than you say with for example your conclusion about a missing left. It’s a rather unique nation but with similar aspects.

Improving the child welfare system will benefit all Americans, including the Black and Native American families who are overrepresented in, and too often failed by, the current system.

It’s just 1 out of many examples. Overrepresented black babies getting more money, oh boy. That’s doing what needs to be done despite the conservative right acting more extreme.

Point is, I don’t agree US politics is completely ratcheting to the right, it‘s at worst still moving in both directions, polarizing. On major issues like abortion, healthcare, climate, job security and living standards not just for whites, the dems - the majority of the electorate - moved to the left over the past decade. Biden is turning out to be quite progressive from any perspective, almost morphing into a social democrat. Sure he is old, very very very old, and not just physically but he isn’t done yet. He’s trying to change much of what makes your statement about two right parties, with nuance, and from a certain perspective, a correct one.
I don’t think the lack of left party is a cause/reason by itself. The dems have a left wing, a separate party or a far more left version of the dems would not have as much success against the far worse evil, the republicans. But then again, it’s a matter of perspective. Just as we consider US reps and dems be on the right, they can look at us and conclude we have (aside from far-right) no real right wing anymore. Definitely true in my case.

It’s above all a cultural thing. A possibly more accurate statement would be they only have, well perhaps had, conservative parties. Worse, only christian conservative parties. America still sometimes acts like it missed out on the age of enlightenment. They had one themselves but not quite the same. American culture is still characterized by freedom of religion, start your own version of the church in a new settlement or centuries later in a shopping mall. While here, like France, and thus indirectly also thanks to the US, it’s more about freedom from religious influences and protecting the individual believer/nonbeliever. You get to pray and wear your religious symbols but you don’t get to shove your believes down the throat of others. Especially not by new laws and policies. I’m sure we still have aftermath of religious influences to deal with ourselves, but even suggesting policies against equality out of a religious motivation is heavily frowned upon by all sides.

That’s a key difference between your and our european ‘liberal conservatives’ and the conservatives in the US, the former is usually for more social equality, the latter treats it like it’s the end of the world.

The whole discussions about drag queens and lgbt+ is a good, well, horrible, example right now, as bad as the abortion nonsense, all extremely conservative and foreign to me. I’d have to go back to… heck before I was born to get that vibe, or just visit some christian cunt farmer village... Our most recent update of our constitution, just approved earlier this year, article 1 (no discrimination ), adds “sexual orientation“.

Obama was great, but, I read this long piece about his ideas about gay marriage changing over the years (took quite a few years), and like many other examples it reminds me a lot of how people were shedding their conservative christian prejudices inherited from their still jesus-believing parents like we did here 2-3 generations ago. Much of the debate and news and ’action’ amplified in the US right now is what I think and hope the final convulsions of a dying conservative batshit religious right. The worry is a cornered cat makes strange jumps, like voting for a Trump and storming capitols or giving up on reason entirely.

The reason they don’t have a great welfare system, a clear sign of missing left, is partly if not largely racism. It would help black people more than white, which white turn around to suggesting it would be bad for them. I’m convinced we’d have to at least some extend a similar situation in NL if it weren’t for one historical difference: we held and left most of our slaves on distant colonies. Some still part of NL, but until recently didn’t get the same amount of welfare and government (child/unemployment/etc) support. America is where colonists and slaves ended up living together and not just in liberal cities. Their politics can’t be mapped easily to ours so things are always a lot more nuanced than you say with for example your conclusion about a missing left. It’s a rather unique nation but with similar aspects.

Improving the child welfare system will benefit all Americans, including the Black and Native American families who are overrepresented in, and too often failed by, the current system.

It’s just 1 out of many examples. Overrepresented black babies getting more money, oh boy. That’s doing what needs to be done despite the conservative right acting more extreme.

Point is, I don’t agree US politics is completely ratcheting to the right, it‘s at worst still moving in both directions, polarizing. On major issues like abortion, healthcare, climate, job security and living standards not just for whites, the dems - the majority of the electorate - moved to the left over the past decade. Biden is turning out to be quite progressive from any perspective, almost morphing into a social democrat. Sure he is old, very very very old, and not just physically but he isn’t done yet. He’s trying to change much of what makes your statement about two right parties, with nuance, and from a certain perspective, a correct one.
I think one reason we have some of the strange social tension you mention is because we have had two things occur side by side.

On the one hand, our legal framework was laid down by some of the world-class enlightenment thinkers, such as Jefferson and Franklin. Many of these men were Deists, which was about as far toward irreligion as one could politely go.

On the other, the original colonizing impetus was provided by the puritans and Calvinists, some of the grimmest Protestants’ Protestants there have been. The life-denying force of the modern toxic evangelicals is founded on that bedrock, and it is one of the poorly-acknowledged retaining pins of ideological fear and hate up to this day. Most of the slavers were good God-fearing (a cosmos of paradox condensed into two words!) Baptists; now behold the institutional blowback against critical race theory and other manifestations of national conscience.

The Republicans have crystallized around this cultural siege mentality, bringing forth effects like that man and Gan.

This has reshaped the Democrats into the sane center, with (imo) a healthy admixture of social-Democrat values emerging. I share with @Fogdog a wonderment that I’ve been so slow to believe Republicans when they kept telling us that they were not republican.

So now the parties have drawn apart. The GOP’s decision to censure its pluralists means the center is now with the Democrats, and an air gap has grown between the party of minority rule and the more inclusive one.
I think one reason we have some of the strange social tension you mention is because we have had two things occur side by side.

On the one hand, our legal framework was laid down by some of the world-class enlightenment thinkers, such as Jefferson and Franklin. Many of these men were Deists, which was about as far toward irreligion as one could politely go.

On the other, the original colonizing impetus was provided by the puritans and Calvinists, some of the grimmest Protestants’ Protestants there have been. The life-denying force of the modern toxic evangelicals is founded on that bedrock, and it is one of the poorly-acknowledged retaining pins of ideological fear and hate up to this day.
I think you’re spot on, especially since you said founded on that bedrock. Obviously many factors plays a role but I tried to connect it to anti-intellectualism in the US in the past (possibly for a post here) and found my favorite american historian (Hofstadter) and others already did just that.

Now for a twist: https://dutchreview.com/culture/society/calvinism-netherlands-dutch-calvinist-nature/

It’s what separates the north from the south (catholics) in NL, but is also linked to the difference between the hardworking modest frugal northwest and the lazy mediterraneans (spanish, italians, greeks). Clichés, insultsing even, but with a kernel of truth.

Most well-known conflicts between catholics and calvinists, mandatory material in school from early on, also mentioned in article above, is 80-Year war against the Spanish catholic rule and the “Beeldenstorm” (statuestorm) :

Both defining, still. The rest, actually conservatives, wanted freedom of religion (or more specifically back then ‘religious tolerance’) to keep the calvinists and catholics from killing eachother. Reasonable debate had to overrule both sides to keep the peace, build dikes, and colonize for the lust for gain.

Point is Calvinism alone isn’t enough to make people go batshit anti-science qanon. Here it was an opposing force to the influence of the pope, his bishops and catholic monarchs in europe. To less rational and strange catholic dogmas and the authority of the church. At the same time there were religious leaders and our calavanis monarchs, the focus on more individuality didn’t mean you could just make shit up and use the bible as you see fit. Those who wanted that had to move to the new world for religious freedom. Nowadays it’s summed up by a common expression and doesn’t even refer to christian or reformed anymore: behave normal and you’ll already behave crazy enough. Quite a different outcome than evangelicals with guns.

You mentioned Jefferson and Franklin:

At the end of the 80 year war, i.e. when calvinists won back Holland’s independence from catholic Spain, John Locke fled to Holland.

Wait… let me see if I can find a source you’ll appreciate:

(part about Locke at 2:15 but it’s only 4:21 total).

Little piece of history not covered a lot cause the brits always tried to claim the US as one of their offspring. Or so we like to think.

Again, perspective, which in this case, in my case, is like from the opposing side of the coin.
If this guy spoke English, he could be a republican! They had better watch out down south in the Bible belt, since the Russian religion seems suited to them, so does Russian style politics. I can see Vlad training hundreds of secret agents in how to speak English with a southern accent! No wonder republicans love the Russians so much, they have shared values...

If this guy spoke English, he could be a republican! They had better watch out down south in the Bible belt, since the Russian religion seems suited to them, so does Russian style politics. I can see Vlad training hundreds of secret agents in how to speak English with a southern accent! No wonder republicans love the Russians so much, they have shared values...

i don't understand why Ukraine wouldn't want to live under this enlightened regime....perhaps the russians should drop some fliers detailing their golden society, who could resist once you learn the details?
I can see Vlad training hundreds of secret agents in how to speak English with a southern accent!
dude, i moved away and came back, lost a fair part of my accent, and now everyone from here asks me where i'm from, while tourist just assume i'm another hillwilliam...You send a russian, or any one else here trying to emulate the accent, and they'll be dead in a day or two, just because they pissed the wrong hillbilly off, making fun of the way we talk.
We can tell if someone is from one town or another, if you let them talk long enough, they'll say something to give it away.
dude, i moved away and came back, lost a fair part of my accent, and now everyone from here asks me where i'm from, while tourist just assume i'm another hillwilliam...You send a russian, or any one else here trying to emulate the accent, and they'll be dead in a day or two, just because they pissed the wrong hillbilly off, making fun of the way we talk.
We can tell if someone is from one town or another, if you let them talk long enough, they'll say something to give it away.
They don't need to, there are plenty of useful idiots in them parts, hire local, buy Americans! :lol:
dude, i moved away and came back, lost a fair part of my accent, and now everyone from here asks me where i'm from, while tourist just assume i'm another hillwilliam...You send a russian, or any one else here trying to emulate the accent, and they'll be dead in a day or two, just because they pissed the wrong hillbilly off, making fun of the way we talk.
We can tell if someone is from one town or another, if you let them talk long enough, they'll say something to give it away.

It was weird when I moved away and then would go back to visit and people developed hick accents. Like the kids that grew up in the subdivision behind a strip mall started trying to talk like farmers and were presenting themselves as some sorta country boy....huh, guess it was early culture war shit. Was very silly though, I couldn't figure out why you would intentionally do that.

Then Larry the cable guy came along and it made a bunch of sense.
If this guy spoke English, he could be a republican! They had better watch out down south in the Bible belt, since the Russian religion seems suited to them, so does Russian style politics. I can see Vlad training hundreds of secret agents in how to speak English with a southern accent! No wonder republicans love the Russians so much, they have shared values...

wtf.....no wonder the OC is kicking them out of Ukraine......smh
dude, i moved away and came back, lost a fair part of my accent, and now everyone from here asks me where i'm from, while tourist just assume i'm another hillwilliam...You send a russian, or any one else here trying to emulate the accent, and they'll be dead in a day or two, just because they pissed the wrong hillbilly off, making fun of the way we talk.
We can tell if someone is from one town or another, if you let them talk long enough, they'll say something to give it away.
I'm from Cape Breton the home of a strong regional accent and my parents were from newfoundland, and you should hear them speak, it takes about a week to catch on! Lard tundering Jesus bye! Ya don't know if yer own arsehole is punched or bored! :lol:
dude, i moved away and came back, lost a fair part of my accent, and now everyone from here asks me where i'm from, while tourist just assume i'm another hillwilliam...You send a russian, or any one else here trying to emulate the accent, and they'll be dead in a day or two, just because they pissed the wrong hillbilly off, making fun of the way we talk.
We can tell if someone is from one town or another, if you let them talk long enough, they'll say something to give it away.
Netanyahu’s assault on the judiciary reminds many of the first steps taken by “illiberal” governments in Hungary, Poland and elsewhere. Legal experts say targeting the judiciary is the natural first step for modern would-be autocrats who want to dismantle the broader democratic framework.

“If you want to conduct a modern coup d’etat you no longer need to employ serious force and to kill people, you don’t need the army and blood in the streets. The first institution to destroy is the judiciary. Everything else can come afterwards,

Netanyahu’s assault on the judiciary reminds many of the first steps taken by “illiberal” governments in Hungary, Poland and elsewhere. Legal experts say targeting the judiciary is the natural first step for modern would-be autocrats who want to dismantle the broader democratic framework.

“If you want to conduct a modern coup d’etat you no longer need to employ serious force and to kill people, you don’t need the army and blood in the streets. The first institution to destroy is the judiciary. Everything else can come afterwards,

Ive never considered Israel a real country, Nor their government legitimate...
I have no problems with jews, i have a problem with a group of people stealing another group of people's homes, based on nonexistent authority granted by a book of myths stolen from a dozen dead cultures, and then treating those people like cattle.
Anything netanyahu does is illegitimate, anything the entire government does is illegitimate.
They should be considered a terrorist state, as far as i've ever been able to see, they're no different than the russians occupying Ukraine, Uninvited, unwanted, and operating on spurious authority...