Right wing nuts worldwide.

We have a similar issue with the right in Canada and they are leading in the polls. However, in Holland they only got 37 out of 150 seats in parliament, like Canada they are regressive assholes, but no real threat to liberal democracy as in the States.
I appreciate the sentiment, yes it’s ”only” 25% of voters and there’s a ton of nuance I could add including the fact that a PM with a quarter if seats isn’t nearly as powerful as a potus, but it’s worse than that article describes. There’s a perfect nazi storm brewing. It took the other (center-)right parties only minutes to backtrack on their promise not to work with Wilders. It’s bad, really bad.

Imagine waking up and that Canadian friendliness is just gone, overnight. That’s how I feel about Dutch tolerance. We just told all the muslim kids (the majority in some places,and let’s face it is not about muslim but xenophobia and skincolor) they don’t belong here, even when their parents or grandparents were born here. We just told people it’s ok to vote PVV and announce that publicly… up till last week only the die hard white trash would even admit they voted PVV. And it’s not primarily the conservative old folks, it’s also, more than others, the fucking kids. Stupid kids on tiktok. Up to 30 y/o kids who still live at their parents because of the huge housing shortage.

We just told our neighbors in Germany, one of the few left-ish wing led nations in the EU, that it’s ok to vote AfD. It takes a certain level of understanding of our relationship with Germany to understand how bad that potentially is.

Wilders said he put his anti-islam rethoric and other unconstitutional nonsense on hold… right. Basically he went from anti muslim to anti anything not white windmill cheese loving (Wilders is a genuine nationalist, he actually believes it). The center right, the leading neoliberals, got a new PM candidate, a Turkish woman (which on a positive note are traits that are as irrelevant as it should be), who sort of opened the door for a coalition with far right because they got punished for forming a coalition with the left for a decade,

Worst case scenario: Nexit. If no nexit, zero point zero procent chance we will not veto Ukraine’s membership. Instead, zero support for Ukraine, all Ukrainians (100k, nearly half of all immigrants in 2022) have to go. No F-16s. Zero money to climate. No more coffeeshops, seedshops, cannabis = meth. If nexit seems unlikely, the left wanted referendums to return, convenient for Wilders who wants a referendum on EU. Still low chance of succeeding but f’up nonetheless.

This is not even an urban/rural divide. We now have the bible belt, and most of the country, where yes PVV doesn’t not have a 50% plus majority, but is the largest nonetheless, and, the woke stroke (incl my bubble).

Right now chances are high a minority coalition will form with Wilders as PM and the formerly leading neoliberal VVD condoning them. Add to that the fact the new cunt farmer part has the largest chunk of the seats in the senate and its leader jumped on the opportunity to work with Wilders. It’s beyond embarassing. It’s unnacceptable. If Trump could and would win again, he’ll find an ally in NL. Fuck that. I’ll make a hole in a dike and flood the whole damn place.
Reminds me that The Secretary of War for the Confederate States, Judah Benjamin, got lumbered with the blame for the Confederate battlefield failures. Weird to be kept warm at night by irony, but here we are.

As Hitler was an admirer of Confederate enslavement practices, I’ve wondered if his anti-Semitic focus was not just “the material at hand”, but an echo expression of the fury directed @ Benjamin following Appomattox
Britain now treating environmental activists as extremists:(

Googled "holding sign courthouse jurors retiree faces two years prison", mainly articles from the US and Canadian, the article mostly repeated without more information.

"Warner had been protesting outside a trial of Insulate Britain protesters after the judge placed restrictions on defendants in a series of trials that prevented them from mentioning the climate crisis, insulation, fuel poverty or their motivations in their defence."


Kind of like a gag order on trumpers?

On what is the law about, what can you do.

Not great but not as bad as portrayed by the article. Always good to fact check stuff where there might be more going on than being reported. Always easier selling bad news, so far no conviction of the courthouse protester. The

"Climate activism has intensified in the past few years as the planet warms to dangerous levels, igniting more extreme heat, floods, storms and wildfires around the world. Tactics have been getting more radical, with some protesters gluing themselves to roads, disrupting high-profile sporting events like golf and tennis and even splashing famous pieces of artwork with paint or soup."

When does protesting turn into a crime? People have been protesting and getting arrested for it as long as I remember, part of the game. Spray paint private property, chain yourself to impede ________ (fill in the blank). Our Trucker Convoy friends were charged, oh right, Fox News said Trudeau was cracking down on 'the people's convoy'. No, the right to protest does not give you unlimited freedom in your actions.
… When does protesting turn into a crime? People have been protesting and getting arrested for it as long as I remember, part of the game. Spray paint private property, chain yourself to impede ________ (fill in the blank). Our Trucker Convoy friends were charged, oh right, Fox News said Trudeau was cracking down on 'the people's convoy'. No, the right to protest does not give you unlimited freedom in your actions.
I think we agree on this. Harassment of individuals, assault, and vandalism are both criminal and outside the scope of content-driven protest.

From a legal perspective, I wonder if gluing oneself to a road is different from, say, chaining oneself to a tree scheduled to be logged. If the gluing thing is an infraction, a reasonable penalty would be (to charge the doer with) the cost to government of the time and effort put in by first responders to unglue the person without using a chainsaw.
I think we agree on this. Harassment of individuals, assault, and vandalism are both criminal and outside the scope of content-driven protest.

From a legal perspective, I wonder if gluing oneself to a road is different from, say, chaining oneself to a tree scheduled to be logged. If the gluing thing is an infraction, a reasonable penalty would be (to charge the doer with) the cost to government of the time and effort put in by first responders to unglue the person without using a chainsaw.
I have glued myself together a number of times, you really got to be stupid to do it on purpose. I have a love/hate relationship with CA glue.
"No beer without farmers," read one protest banner, while another tractor had a poster from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party that read "Our farmers come first."

In short: German farmers get a tax break on diesel, government wants to end it. Meanwhile, Germany's economy isn't doing well, on the contrary. In addition to "immigrants", objectively it's whatever, but subjectively there's too many. Housing shortage, teacher shortage, public transport problems. AfD, far right party, is rising. Is nr 1 in East Germany already...

"Mr Gorbachev tear dow...."

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nr 2 in total, larger than Scholz' party. Yes the actual nazi party is polling higher than the ruling party in Germany. All they need is the support of formerly decent rural farmer types. You know... conservatives. Kinda... Exactly as in NL, where without the farmer party there'd be no path for the probable soon to be far-right minority government in NL. Feels like we're getting f*cked. Not very original of those elite lizzard people to implement the same scenario across different nations. Australia is like copying the US too. The division, the stupid discussions...

From the article: "Calls are circulating with coup fantasies, extremist groups are forming and ethnic-nationalist symbols are being openly displayed," said Habeck.

"The far-right AfD party, hoping for major gains in a string of state elections this year, backs the protest, using it as proof of Germans' dissatisfaction with current leadership."

There's a perfect nazi storm brewing. Statistically, as I told my wife several times over the past decades, we should be happy there's no war (affecting us directly) and that it's unlikely we'll be dead before WW3. What a time to be alive. Though admittedly partly pessimism, it almost seems inevitable. They should have banned AfD. If the good guys win again, there will be zero tolerance for far-right and fascism will still be inevitable. We'll all be "behind the wall", ironically.
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To specify: the only party still larger than the nazi party (23%) is the CDU (32%), which is the German equivalent of the dutch CDA, the Christian Democrats, Merkel's party, currently not in the coalition, and is the party farmers vote for. In NL that old established party fell apart, and the replacing right wing conservative party are the ones who help the far-right into power. In both cases that christian democratic portion of the electorate modernized, acknowledges climate change, less hard stance on abortion and that sort of thing. If there were only two parties, it would be no different from the US, where conservative right teams up with far right. That is, their true allegiance is on the right. Given that the rural farmer areas are essential for the christian democrats, they can only lose if they don't side with the farmers, which they can't. So, it's all f*cked.
"No beer without farmers," read one protest banner, while another tractor had a poster from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party that read "Our farmers come first."

In short: Germans farmers get a tax break on diesel, government wants to end it. Meanwhile, Germany's economy isn't doing well, on the contrary. In addition to "immigrants", objectively it's whatever, but subjectively there's too many. Housing shortage, teacher shortage, public transport problems. AfD, far right party, is rising. Is nr 1 in East Germany already...

"Mr Gorbachev tear dow...."

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nr 2 in total, larger than Scholz' party. Yes the actual nazi party is polling higher than the ruling party in Germany. All they need is the support of formerly decent rural farmer types. You know... conservatives. Kinda... Exactly as in NL, where without the farmer party there'd be no path for the probable soon to be far-right minority government in NL. Feels like we're getting f*cked. Not very original of those elite lizzard people to implement the same scenario across different nations. Australia is like copying the US too. The division, the stupid discussions...

From the article: "Calls are circulating with coup fantasies, extremist groups are forming and ethnic-nationalist symbols are being openly displayed," said Habeck.

"The far-right AfD party, hoping for major gains in a string of state elections this year, backs the protest, using it as proof of Germans' dissatisfaction with current leadership."

There's a perfect nazi storm brewing. Statistically, as I told my wife several times over the past decades, we should be happy there's no war (affecting us directly) and that it's unlikely we'll be dead before WW3. What a time to be alive. Though admittedly partly pessimism, it almost seems inevitable. They should have banned AfD. If the good guys win again, there will be zero tolerance for far-right and fascism will still be inevitable. We'll all be "behind the wall", ironically.
Since it appears to be a transnational and transcultural phenomenon, it might have something to do with globalization, migration and the effects of the internet on societies. Many farmers are not happy about the global food system and fertilizer prices went up 3 times for no real reason, the war in Ukraine can't account for the rise, it's greedflation. There is an increasing monopolization of everything by the 1% with little real competition in many sectors, wall street prospers while main street languishes. Then there is migration and the drive for multiculturalism, immigrants don't assimilate as they used to and with the internet and cheap jet travel can stay connected to their home cultures. Many small countries in Europe feel their unique cultures and even languages are under threat.
Since it appears to be a transnational and transcultural phenomenon, it might have something to do with globalization, migration and the effects of the internet on societies. Many farmers are not happy about the global food system and fertilizer prices went up 3 times for no real reason, the war in Ukraine can't account for the rise, it's greedflation. There is an increasing monopolization of everything by the 1% with little real competition in many sectors, wall street prospers while main street languishes. Then there is migration and the drive for multiculturalism, immigrants don't assimilate as they used to and with the internet and cheap jet travel can stay connected to their home cultures. Many small countries in Europe feel their unique cultures and even languages are under threat.

It's the stuff that confirms my belief all these conspiracy theorist nuts are just that, nuts. In reality, the world is incapable of cooperating to such an extend. NL's, Canada's, Germany's, US', Australia's problems, they are not unique, yet everyone is trying to invent a new wheel by themselves. It's disappointing, and that's an understatement. I'm slowly starting to understand this EU thing... unfortunately it isn't what it should be. Given the main topic of this site, just look at legalization of cannabis. German's won't even look at decades of experience in NL, and the Dutch won't even look at what Spain did with social cannabis clubs. Every country for itself. Same with Covid.

Hey you know what by far most of that wonderful hydrogen in NL is used for? Fertilizer. N.
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It's the stuff that confirms my belief all these conspiracy theorist nuts are just that, nuts. In reality, the world is incapable of cooperating to such an extend. NL's, Canada's, Germany's, US', Australia's problems, they are not unique, yet everyone is trying to invent a new wheel by themselves. It's disappointing, and that's an understatement. I'm slowly starting to understand this EU thing... unfortunately it isn't what it should be. Given the main topic of this site, just look at legalization of cannabis. German's won't even look at decades of experience in NL, and the Dutch won't even look at what Spain did with social cannabis clubs. Every country for itself. Same with Covid.

Hey you know what by far that wonderful hydrogen in NL is used for? Fertilizer. N.
Lol, yes I did purposely omit it it this time. There's one thing I do know about German farmers and rural folk, in the west that is, and that's that they aren't friendly, just like ours. But then, theirs aren't necessarily rude either, at least not to me. So I felt it's not up to me to qualify the german farmers with that label. Plus, elementary education in NL: not all Germans were bad, many farmers hid Jews. But then, as DIY pointed out, immigrants don't assimilate as they used to. And when Merkel said wir schaffen das it turned out that many of those immigrants were not going to the cities this time but be spread out, housed in small towns too.

Which, while I'm at it, is at the core of the issue why the dutch cabinet fell last year. The national government wants to force local governments to accept immigrants, literally called the 'spreading law'. It wants to be able to force rural areas to build housing for immigrants, instead of in the typical places (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Haque and other large cities). Those nice christian cunt farmers don't mind immigrants that much... as long as they stay in the city.

4 billion earthlings will vote this year. "Will democracy survive it?"