Right wing radical or terrorist...???


Well-Known Member
Control through fear, control of words and thoughts. It takes one generation to accomplish this. It has been done throughout history. History is a loop. We are all trapped like Mobius.


Well-Known Member
stalin nor hitler faced the kind of firepower down that our government is going to have to face down..
to include a military officer corp that has resigned for the most part soon as obama was elected
the government is scared of its own people.
if you were doing what the government is doing right now wouldnt you be scared also?
the only major threat really is a economicly strong government..that can be handled fast enough at this point and idiot police forces .


New Member
Well, a full half of the country is behind Obama so.... it's not like a cold wind is blowing through Washington...

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You are correct CJ. Half are behind the currant pres. Personally I am not against or for him.
I will wait and see. I just see some parallels in history.


New Member
Yes, as do I. I want to give him a chance, I mean after all he is our elected President. I respect the system even though I don't like the results.

He is making quite a mess of it so far.....letting Congress ride roughshod over him is a HUGE mistake that will cost him..... another parallel in history, just ask Jimmah Carter. I said it early on, Obama will be torn asunder by HIS OWN PARTY....:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Johnny, It's hard to make anything happen with a 10% minority my friend. :-P
I was basing my observation on FlyLikeAnEagle's lame assessment of the future of Conservatism. The sarcastic key on my keyboard must not be operating properly.

I wholeheartedly disagree with such a simplistic prediction. Not all Conservatives listen to RL, therefore the average age of his listeners has little bearing on the future of the Conservative movement at large.


New Member
I was basing my observation on FlyLikeAnEagle's lame assessment of the future of Conservatism. The sarcastic key on my keyboard must not be operating properly.

I wholeheartedly disagree with such a simplistic prediction. Not all Conservatives listen to RL, therefore the average age of his listeners has little bearing on the future of the Conservative movement at large.
Do you listen and more importantly believe the crap spieled by Limbaugh?


Well-Known Member
Yuo see, that full half is going to dissapear like mist infront of the sun, when they realise how they have been conned probably since they days of their great grandparents....


New Member
Ever wonder why the Govt. is so intent on everybody getting digital tv?:lol: You can't be controlled through mainstream media if you don't watch it.....

AND. Never start a sentence with the word and.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Please don't try to glom on your absurdity to my 100% truth. It makes you seem like a pork barrel democrat.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Do you listen and more importantly believe the crap spieled by Limbaugh?
I do not, but what if I did? Progressives listen to him, too. The smart ones at least. Know your enemy.

For a moment I intended to respond that I could not remember the last time I listened to the RL show, but I had to pause.

My barber was tuned into the show when I got may haircut this past week. So I heard the man's voice, but I was talking to my barber the whole time. It was April 14th and we were talking about taxes. I told my barber I disagreed with Limbaugh's position on the Fair Tax. We talked about taxes, my barber and me.