rinse the plants or no?


Active Member
I have 2 plants, which I used neem oil and the don't bug me spray on for a week. I noticed both smell like the spray still, I have about 3 weeks left. My question would be...should I spray them off with water to wash the smell off so it dosnt effect the smell and taste in the end?
I'm guessing bug me not is a pesticide. Whats it composed of? Neem oil mixed with animal fat soap will wash off easier. Harder to wash off straight oil.

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Well-Known Member
try and rinse them off. Your not gonna get it all, alot of it gets in the buds where it's impossible to rinse out.
After you harvest you could try and soak your buds on the stick in a bath.

IMO- I wouldn't use anything in flower except water after the first 3-4 weeks.

Good Luck on Your Grow