Rip plants cops rolled in


Well-Known Member
thst suks bro. get some seeds and stick em in the bushes at the police station, then call the fbi and ratt the cops out. lol jk but wouldnt that be great?


Active Member
What a silly drunk! People worry about police in helicopters, thermal imaging, etc. Its all mostly bullshit. It's FUCKTARDS that cant keep their fucking mouth shut who get us fine folks busted and treated like actual criminals. Goes to show that NOBODY can be trusted with that kind of knowledge. Im sure she didnt even mean to get you busted but this is how it sad bro...


Well-Known Member
...She rats out own brother and goes to heaven.

Just made that one up for you crazestealthgrower.

Must be double frustrating to lose a grow due to own's sister stupidity. Replace her temporarily with a cat. They don't talk and get high on catnip.


Active Member
im really not worrying anymore about stuff. if i get caught later i get caught thats the risk im taking.
o yea i do have a cat its my sisters she left him here when she moved out like a month ago his name is Moo Moo. i use to get him high all the time until i had to go clean for this program im in right now so i dont go to jail. lol.

i got a felony charge in november for a gram while i was in college. yea its bullshit tell me about it. i got snitched on that time to. it was random as fuck i was living in a dorm and was just chillin in the rec room with some of my dudes and a cop rolled up and was like you got pot on you i was like WOAH WHAT she was like since you live in the doors i can search you because signing the contract here bipasses all your rights i was like fuckkkkkkkkkk well i had 2 bowls on me and just enough left for a small bowl and my dudes had mad coke on them. she was like i search your you give i was like ok here and gave it to her and she smelled what i had left in my stash light, and was like O SHIT THIS SMELLS and i was like hell yea. then i got took to the police station and they were like we gonna do some test to see if your high i was like sure. i was already stoned and just snorted a couple lines of girl like an hour before i got caught. she said i was totally sober hahah.


Well-Known Member
yea it all fuckin blows

yea shes on my shit list for a while she wanted me to get rid of an oz that she got for mad cheap and i told her to fuck off. because she knows basically im hot right now with the police in my area.

i got mad lucky.
i dont know who called me to warn me but i really really love them now lol.

o well when i get a new place which is in like 3 months ill start all over again.
Man ur tripping, u aint hot at all. U really think cops r gonna waste there time fucking with a rumor? Hell No! U should a sold that shit and kept all the cash and told ur sis to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Man ur tripping, u aint hot at all. U really think cops r gonna waste there time fucking with a rumor? Hell No! U should a sold that shit and kept all the cash and told ur sis to fuck off.

rumors dont get search warrants approved. you can bet your ass there was more


Well-Known Member
Does your sis live with you? If not remember don't tell nobody even if you know you can trust them, remember shit happens and they might say shit about you because of stuff that's going down with them.


Active Member
she use to live with me. she moved out a month ago with her pos boyfriend thats been getting her in deep shit lately. now she hangs out at the local bar alot that is really hot people get busted there every other day for various things. i know she didnt tell me the full story im pretty sure that she got caught doing some shit in the bar and rolled on my ass.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
heresay can't get a warrant for search and seizure. Someone had to physically see the grow and then have made a signed statement submitted for judge consideration..sooo your anonomous call was somehow related to someone you know who got popped gave you up felt guilty and had a call placed to you to try and save you after they saved thier ass. so watch and see which friend or family member has a case come up and gets dismissed pretty fast.


Well-Known Member
you should just get legal like everyone else so you dont have to worry about being outa line with the law.
medical marijuana saves lives -snitches make lies


Well-Known Member
holy shit dude drunk ppl suck no offence man, but god damn cops searched my old apt . didnt find shit however if they looked in the apt next door haha :bongsmile:


Well-Known Member
If you add:
i know she didnt tell me the full story im pretty sure that she got caught doing some shit in the bar and rolled on my ass.
and 2
heresay can't get a warrant for search and seizure. Someone had to physically see the grow and then have made a signed statement submitted for judge consideration..sooo your anonomous call was somehow related to someone you know who got popped gave you up felt guilty and had a call placed to you to try and save you after they saved thier ass. so watch and see which friend or family member has a case come up and gets dismissed pretty fast.
Petrusherlocka Holmes concludes that the person signing the statement had blonde hair and while the anonymous caller himself possibly was not, the one who tipped him off was either blonde herself or had a relative who was blonde and in trouble.