they can't tell fact from opinion because they don't know the English language lacking comprehension skills hence Trumptards 'Fake News'..the imbecile clearly doesn't know the difference (with his IQ of 78 and 100 count word base) that words have meaning; intent and people write opinion pieces; they can be on the front page. he literally can't bring himself to say 'opinion' but that's because he doesn't allow anyone to have one when he's around. what he says is all that matters. he pretends he knows nothing about AZ 'oh i hear they found votes in NH'..he is going to work this like a bone..mark my words..somehow get someone to say something, anything about AZ and that he won..he needs to be gone, gone- now.Questions like, "Is my asshole punched or bored"?Tucker reads a script, way more than Rush, who just had talking points for guidance and winged it. I think more focus should be placed on those who write this crap and they work the mouths of many different talking heads.
They need to teach rhetoric and civics in high school along with mindfulness training ( for emotional stability and to build empathy. Half the population can't tell fact from opinion because half the population is below average intelligence, education can help, but not much, there is still no cure for stupid.
Putins not getting his money, what's he waiting for? Putins stupid too because the longer Trumps around the more opportunity we have for Trump to puke it up.