Ripped off by dispensary


Well-Known Member
So I bought some vegging plants and it was my first purchase. Ended up getting some weak clones and they boinked. Called the company asking for a purchase for better plants, possibly at a discount. No reply. Called them as another person placing an order, called me back in less than 60 seconds. I explained who I was and what was going on. I told them that I was pleased with their professionalism and expertise, but that I felt (through a miscommunication as well as my inexperience) that I was not happy with the transaction as it took place. Without skipping a beat, he offered me a new batch of clones, basically almost ready to flip to 12/12, so strong vegging plants. I told him that I was very happy to hear that and was ready to meet with him to pick them up. He told me to place an order and that he would even meet me halfway once I did so. No word after placing the order. It has been 3-4 weeks and I have left countless voice mails and emails stating the order the conditions. I offered $$ but told them that I didn't have much left after the first purchase. They didn't even seem to care. They mentioned "The Cause" as their primary motivation. That struck me as a bit odd. Reminds me of something a cult leader would say.

First off, these guys know all about statutory law regarding marijuana. They are a real business and they have their bases covered from what I can see. They are new and not very prominent at all. Do you think they got shut down by the DEA? Or are they dodging me? What should I do?

Getting ripped off is not an suggestions of "forget it" "move on" and other lazy careless statements are not helpful. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
pretend to be someone else like before then when you meet up llet him know who you are how did you find someone to get clones from.............Jmac


Well-Known Member
pretend to be someone else like before then when you meet up llet him know who you are how did you find someone to get clones from.............Jmac
Well, basically through the grapevine. At this point I think I will have a fellow local grower place an order and head down there with them. What happens at that point remains a mystery to me, though. I can foresee things getting ugly pretty quick, although most of these schmucks don't deal with face to face compaints very well. I just don't want to make it out to be something it isn't. Still, getting ripped off isn't an option.


Well-Known Member
most user dont have the ablity to find or recieve clones, doing this through SHADY PEOPLE, or side of the road tactics is less than desireable IMO


Well-Known Member
Hehe. Well I think I may have to. Still have some ideas on recourse, though. Sounds like I'm gonna have to step things up a bit before I let it go. Normally, I would just move on, but this is too trying a time financially for this kind of thing to happen for me.


New Member
Hehe. Well I think I may have to. Still have some ideas on recourse, though. Sounds like I'm gonna have to step things up a bit before I let it go. Normally, I would just move on, but this is too trying a time financially for this kind of thing to happen for me.
sounds like you have gotten ripped at a time when your pocket literally cannot afford it.
id find some way of getting back at the shit way or another. even if it ment slashing some tires @ the undisclosed location that your friend may be meeting the guy at. Granted that may result in a physical confrontation, or even legality pursuits....
Do you have a legal card giving you the rights to grow cannabis without fear of repercussion from police where you live?
that may have a big hand in what you can "LEGALLY" do in this matter.
and futhermore your hands may be tied in this particullar situation because you do not know who the guy or company is and/or where there head of operations is @.

punch the phone number into google and see if it can pull up an address or name on the number. if nothing else, give em some hassle by anominously tipping off the cops about an illegal grow at the location of the number, they will knock on the door with a warrant and he will either present papers showing that he is a registered legal cannabis grower, or they will fulfill the warrant


Well-Known Member
Place an order, and pay him in cash. This way you can rob him and get your moneys worth. Order the most expensive plants too. : )


Well-Known Member
sounds like you have gotten ripped at a time when your pocket literally cannot afford it.
id find some way of getting back at the shit way or another. even if it ment slashing some tires @ the undisclosed location that your friend may be meeting the guy at. Granted that may result in a physical confrontation, or even legality pursuits....
Do you have a legal card giving you the rights to grow cannabis without fear of repercussion from police where you live?
that may have a big hand in what you can "LEGALLY" do in this matter.
and futhermore your hands may be tied in this particullar situation because you do not know who the guy or company is and/or where there head of operations is @.

punch the phone number into google and see if it can pull up an address or name on the number. if nothing else, give em some hassle by anominously tipping off the cops about an illegal grow at the location of the number, they will knock on the door with a warrant and he will either present papers showing that he is a registered legal cannabis grower, or they will fulfill the warrant

I am legal under state law. He will have all his i's dotted an t's crossed. I think it was a fluke. I don't think the guy is a con artist. He delivered, just not as expected. I am going to wait and give some more time but in about a week I am determined to make things work out on this end of the business. I'm not the type to slash tires or beat people up. That's not going to happen. I am the type to order a batch for free and if he doesn't deliver for free on time as agreed, make sure his clientèle knows about his inconsistent background. The problem is getting my produce. We agreed on Saturday morning and I called, no response.

I think what happened was he tried to skim the deal by giving away immature plants at a mature price. Then, when called on it he offered to make amends, and decided it wasn't worth it. Not exactly dishonest, but more or less lazy and unprofessional. I will be finding his headquarters soon and will make sure to help him fulfill his agreement. The phone thing is a good idea, but I don't have money to be "checking him out." Any other ideas that are free?


New Member
I am legal under state law. He will have all his i's dotted an t's crossed. I think it was a fluke. I don't think the guy is a con artist. He delivered, just not as expected. I am going to wait and give some more time but in about a week I am determined to make things work out on this end of the business. I'm not the type to slash tires or beat people up. That's not going to happen. I am the type to order a batch for free and if he doesn't deliver for free on time as agreed, make sure his clientèle knows about his inconsistent background. The problem is getting my produce. We agreed on Saturday morning and I called, no response.

I think what happened was he tried to skim the deal by giving away immature plants at a mature price. Then, when called on it he offered to make amends, and decided it wasn't worth it. Not exactly dishonest, but more or less lazy and unprofessional. I will be finding his headquarters soon and will make sure to help him fulfill his agreement. The phone thing is a good idea, but I don't have money to be "checking him out." Any other ideas that are free?
yes take the phone number you are getting him at and enter it in google.
there are a million sites that will give you his address as long as you already have the number.
411 does the same here........ Im not the type to physically assualy someone because of money. money is trivial to myself....
but cutting a tire for the product you received being shitty i would do.
a friend of mine suggested using a site called ive never used it myself though.
report his ass to better buisness breau. maybe? i dunno because it is a cannabis buisness though and my state isnt a med state.
sorry to hear about the b/s man. id just go with a compassion club next time, they have WAY too much rep to be fucking around with. got me?


Well-Known Member
yes take the phone number you are getting him at and enter it in google.
there are a million sites that will give you his address as long as you already have the number.
411 does the same here........ Im not the type to physically assualy someone because of money. money is trivial to myself....
but cutting a tire for the product you received being shitty i would do.
a friend of mine suggested using a site called ive never used it myself though.
report his ass to better buisness breau. maybe? i dunno because it is a cannabis buisness though and my state isnt a med state.
sorry to hear about the b/s man. id just go with a compassion club next time, they have WAY too much rep to be fucking around with. got me?
Yea slicing tires is WAY oo passive aggressive for me. I would rather call him a schmuck to his face and tell him how REAL business is conducted. I wouldn't hesitate to take what was promised to me, though. Sigh....well I hope this all turns out, he has really shortchanged the one guy he doesn't want to mess with. Like I said, I don't view him as a crook and I'm not even a little bit angry. I will take what is rightfully mine and I hope it doesn't cost me too much time.


New Member
Yea slicing tires is WAY oo passive aggressive for me. I would rather call him a schmuck to his face and tell him how REAL business is conducted. I wouldn't hesitate to take what was promised to me, though. Sigh....well I hope this all turns out, he has really shortchanged the one guy he doesn't want to mess with. Like I said, I don't view him as a crook and I'm not even a little bit angry. I will take what is rightfully mine and I hope it doesn't cost me too much time.
you said that you werent looking for a fistfight and this dosent sound like so. in fact...its damn badly contradicting

setup another appointment with him purchasing 2 times as many plants and borrow a car to get them, take what you are owed.
the reason for the twice as large order is because 50%are gonna die anyways apparently.
how bad did he rip you for? i mean it had to have been a new ass if you are pursuing bad clones....have you ever seen quality clones that came from the guy?
ha ha hes gonna show up and give you some badass/health great looking clones for you to flower them and find out that they are all males.:spew:


Active Member
If a situation arises like that in Brooklyn 2 or 3 friends go pay a visit and let him know that they are only here to get what is owed their friend- A refund. No violence needed.. just implied. Works almost everytime and if it doesn't, burning down the business always grabs their attention. I hate slickness. Thats why I dont order seeds off the net anymore. Too frustrating when you cant reach out and touch someone that has wronged you. I know this is all extreme but I live in a shady world. This is not advice either, just trying to let you know that I'm on your side.
If I went to see this creep for you I bet I would get you a full refund plus a tip, he might even offer me his daughter. :hump::hump::hump: Slick people like that are usually weak individuals when confronted face to face. GOOD LUCK BRO!
... Snuff


Well-Known Member
If a situation arises like that in Brooklyn 2 or 3 friends go pay a visit and let him know that they are only here to get what is owed their friend- A refund. No violence needed.. just implied. Works almost everytime and if it doesn't, burning down the business always grabs their attention. I hate slickness. Thats why I dont order seeds off the net anymore. Too frustrating when you cant reach out and touch someone that has wronged you. I know this is all extreme but I live in a shady world. This is not advice either, just trying to let you know that I'm on your side.
If I went to see this creep for you I bet I would get you a full refund plus a tip, he might even offer me his daughter. :hump::hump::hump: Slick people like that are usually weak individuals when confronted face to face. GOOD LUCK BRO!
... Snuff
Well, see we are talking about a plant here. This kind of insinuation of violence leads to a dark path, I think. Still, he definitely need some persuading. I appreciate the comment. Still not sure what to do. He could deliver males, as was mentioned. I considered that, as well.

Sigh...only time will tell. I just don't want to turn this into an illegal showdown. I can pull people into my militia for a good cause, but not for this. Also, only 3 people know that I am trying to grow. Plus, I'm sure 5 or 6 that suspect that I am but will never know for sure.


Well-Known Member
as eazy-e put it " The stupid muthaphukka thinks I'm a star
But I'm not, I'm the type that kick the niggaz ass
Fast ! Eazy E's a nigga that'll blast
Hold up, wait, the nigga started to load his gat
I grabbed my bat and ran around the back yo
He's at my window, thinkin I'm playin Nintendo
But the stupid nigga don't know I'm behind him so
He dropped the gat like a stupid muthaphukka
So I bashed his head in with my Louieville slugger"


Well-Known Member
Shit happens bro.....let it go and call it a lesson learned. or planet wax(nlseed) order up some good quality seed, stick it in a piece of rockwool or your desired medium, sex em, clone em and send the asshole a sample of your best bud....on the house. this asshole isn't worth your time or any potential fallout. burn one and relax bro. hell if you live near cincy i'll hook you charge..........or if that doesn't work for you snuffys got it down cold.