ripped off

By the way, had it occurred to you that if he simply googled himself, it's possible he'd learn what you're pretending to be so terrified of him finding out about anyway? I'm sure high stakes poker players never google themselves. You, posting anonymously and calling him out by name while making an ugly accusation against which he can't defend himself is a huge dick move. Makes me wonder what your motivation really is. Did he clean you out? Did the smug asshole get a bluff over on you? How exactly did he humiliate you? I hope he does write back. I really want to know what happened now. Cool little mystery we can probably solve. We should do a multi-part podcast about it.

By the way (Part II), I'm still waiting for an explanation of how his "old" address played into his scam. Please explain. I've asked nicely twice now. The third time will not be so nice.
Im here what do you want to know.
You,are a,stupid mother fuckin loser with to much time on your hands bro!
Loser? You wanna talk about losers?

Look, the op might be a pussy for letting you rob him, but you, you’re the scrum of the earth. Not man enough to make your own way. Not man enough to take his shit in front of his face. Nah, you’re such a punk bitch you had to come up with a scheme to get over on the dude.

Me on the other hand, I got money and I do my own thing. I make my own way. So don’t come on here with your low life ass acting hard. I’ll fuck you up.
Loser? You wanna talk about losers?

Look, the op might be a pussy for letting you rob him, but you, you’re the scrum of the earth. Not man enough to make your own way. Not man enough to take his shit in front of his face. Nah, you’re such a punk bitch you had to come up with a scheme to get over on the dude.

Me on the other hand, I got money and I do my own thing. I make my own way. So don’t come on here with your low life ass acting hard. I’ll fuck you up.
You will fuck me up???? Your a pathetic loser bro keep talking shit like a bitch.
Loser? You wanna talk about losers?

Look, the op might be a pussy for letting you rob him, but you, you’re the scrum of the earth. Not man enough to make your own way. Not man enough to take his shit in front of his face. Nah, you’re such a punk bitch you had to come up with a scheme to get over on the dude.

Me on the other hand, I got money and I do my own thing. I make my own way. So don’t come on here with your low life ass acting hard. I’ll fuck you up.
Come fuck me up old man i will tell you where to go no need to talk to me,like you know me
You will fuck me up???? Your a pathetic loser bro keep talking shit like a bitch.
Lol you’re the only one that’s pathetic here dumbass. You’re literally admitting that you’re so broke and low that you robbed the op. Because you can’t make your own money. You gotta rob people.

That’s pathetic af homeboy.

Get your shit together and grow up. Try getting a job for once in your life.

Punk ass bitch.
Lol you’re the only one that’s pathetic here dumbass. You’re literally admitting that you’re so broke and low that you robbed the op. Because you can make your own money. You gotta rob people.

That’s pathetic af homeboy.

Get your shit together and grow up. Try getting a job for once in you life.

Punk ass bitch.
So whatever someone says it true??? If your so humble and,so cool. Why did you have to talk shit to me??? Instead of being a bitch come talk that to my face
Lol you’re the only one that’s pathetic here dumbass. You’re literally admitting that you’re so broke and low that you robbed the op. Because you can’t make your own money. You gotta rob people.

That’s pathetic af homeboy.

Get your shit together and grow up. Try getting a job for once in your life.

Punk ass bitch.
I said nothing to you old man and you wna talk shit lol I will leave you where I leave the rest of them homie!
Don’t like hearing the truth huh? You’re a piece of shit and you know it.

Calm down, get off the internet, and go find a job. So you don’t have to steal other peoples stuff.
Your the idiot on the Internet im just replying to messages that im seeing for the 1st time. Where the,fuck did you come from?? You ran out of crack or what?
I’m your dad because I fucked your mom in her ass and then she shit you out.
So don’t take that tone with me son.
You are a pathetic loser 'son' come have that same energy in my face bro. I garentee in my face your attitude will change. I don't have to talk about your mom or your family. That is just pathetic like the loser you are. Just come,talk that same,way to my face. I bet you dont
You are a pathetic loser 'son' come have that same energy in my face bro. I garentee in my face your attitude will change. I don't have to talk about your mom or your family. That is just pathetic like the loser you are. Just come,talk that same,way to my face. I bet you dont
Dude I’d bitch slap you. Then I’d let you watch me run a train on your mom. While you cried in the corner like the punk you are.

Why are you trying so hard to get a bunch of strangers on the internet to think you’re a badass? You’ve got some real issues you need to deal with.
Dude I’d bitch slap you. Then I’d let you watch me run a train on your mom. While you cried in the corner like the punk you are.

Why are you trying so hard to get a bunch of strangers on the internet to think you’re a badass? You’ve got some real issues you need to deal with.
I dont care who the fuck is looking i actully thought these messages were between you and I only. The only bitch here is the guy bringing my mom into this convo you are a pathetic loser and when you get a lil butt hurt you don't know what to say so you insult my mom? Yea bro you are being the bigger man here. Fuckin loser